Jenelle Evans’ Sister Ashleigh Reveals Their Long-Lost Father Has Died; Claims Jenelle is “Starting Strife” with Family After Finding Out

“I think it’s fair to say we both have some daddy issues…”

Jenelle Evans is once again battling with her estranged sister, and this time the fighting is apparently about the recent death of their father.

Jenelle’s sister Ashleigh Evans Wilson, announced Thursday on Facebook that their father— Robert Evans— had passed away. While Robert— with whom Jenelle and Ashleigh were estranged from for years– actually died in December, Ashleigh stated that she had only recently been informed of his death. In a Facebook post (that was removed shortly after it was posted), Ashleigh reflected on her time with her father, whom she claims “passed away peacefully” after a battle with lung cancer. Ashleigh– who is now 37— stated that she hadn’t seen Robert in 18 years.

“I didn’t know he passed until my mother called me,” Ashleigh wrote in her first post. “…I’m glad I got that closure. That was shocking news today.”

It appears that Jenelle was not happy that Ashleigh announced Robert’s death online, something Ashleigh confirmed in a follow-up Facebook post on Friday.

“I’ll be going to be off-line for a little while,” Ashleigh wrote. “Unfortunately my sister [Jenelle] is starting strife between the family and I’ve chose to block them out again because it’s better to protect your heart and my mental health and deal with her drama… I’m having a lot of hard feelings and mixed emotions about [our father’s death]. It’s very unsettling, very upsetting. My sister does not understand everybody grieves differently. My brother and I are very upset with her. She’s very selfish and cares about herself.”

“Well, Ashleigh that’s not exactly breakin’ news, ya know!”

“What she did yesterday was very hurtful and uncalled for,” Ashleigh continued, adding that she and their brother Colin plan to discuss the situation in an upcoming YouTube/social media video.

“As an influencer it’s my duty to notify you guys,” Ashleigh wrote. 

“Influencer? Ya talk ta people on the Ticky Tacky, but whateva, Ashleigh…”

The Ashley has been able to confirm that Jenelle and Ashleigh’s father, Robert E. Evans, did, indeed pass away in December at the age of 75. According to death records, he is buried in a cemetery in Pennsylvania, where he lived.

Robert never appeared on any of the ‘Teen Mom’ shows. In fact, he wasn’t even aware that Jenelle was on the show (or that she had become a teenage mother) until a reporter from Star magazine called his sister (Jenelle’s paternal aunt) in 2011, shortly after Jenelle began appearing on Teen Mom 2.

“None of us has seen or heard from Jenelle since she and her older sister and brother, Ashleigh and Colin, moved to North Carolina in the late 1990s with her mom after her parents got divorced,” Jenelle’s aunt stated, adding that Jenelle’s dad was in disbelief upon hearing what had become of Jenelle. 

“He was shocked — there was total silence on the phone,” Jenelle’s aunt told the magazine at the time. “He clearly was stunned by what’s happened.”

A photo of Jenelle and her dad that Jenelle showed on TikTok in 2024…

In her 2017 book, Read Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mom, Jenelle talked about her father and stated that she hoped to reestablish a relationship with him one day.

“Robert Evans was only in my life for a little while. For that short and glorious time, I was daddy’s little girl,” Jenelle wrote.  “I loved and admired him. I still do in some way. Without warning everything changed, and my dad cut himself out of my life…Even now, as a grown woman, we don’t talk. Maybe one day that will change. Maybe one day we can find one another, get to know each other, and he can finally be my father. Until then, he is just my biological dad.”

Robert was married to Jenelle and Ashleigh’s mom Barbara from 1984-1996. Jenelle has stated that Robert eventually walked out on the family after his rocky marriage to Barb ended when she was a little girl. Jenelle has claimed that she lost touch with her dad altogether after she moved to North Carolina with Barbara and her siblings at the age of 12. (Bob remained in his native Pennsylvania after the divorce.) 

 “I don’t know why my dad ended up leaving. I just know my mom talked about a lot of him drinking and I guess he had an addiction to cocaine, from what I hear,” she stated on a 2021 episode of her very-short-lived podcast. 

“HIGH! HIGH! He was (allegedly) high!”

On the same episode of her podcast, Jenelle admitted that she and her then-husband David Eason once tried to contact Bob after a night of drinking. She said that her dad seemed drunk when he answered the call so she hung up.

However, she discussed how growing up without her father in her life has affected her.

“Growing up and seeing my friends around their dads and how their dads treated them, and how David’s dad treats him now, it makes me jealous in a way but it also makes me sad,” Jenelle said in 2021. “It makes me upset that you know, he didn’t want to be involved and he still doesn’t want to be involved. And he has grandchildren that he doesn’t know about but I don’t know. He never reached out to me…”

In 2016, Radar Online did an interview with Robert, who stated he had no idea how to get in touch with Jenelle or her siblings.

 “They don’t call me,” he said. “They don’t get in touch with me…Yeah I would probably like to get in contact with her. If she wants to get ahold of me, my number is in the phone book. She can call me anytime she wants.”

Jenelle has not yet publicly addressed the death of her father or her most-recent battle with her sister Ashleigh.


RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans’ Threatening Message to Her Former Stepdaughter Maryssa Exposed: “You’re a Broken Girl”

35 Responses

  1. Wait so being an influencer she found it her duty to tell the world the dad died? Uh….. why….? He was estranged and not on the show I don’t remember him even being mentioned? Why does it feel like she’s just trying to stir up issues and saying the issues coming out from it are bothering her and she wants to block it…. Don’t bring it up online then?

  2. Not really knowing any details of their situation beyond what I’ve read here, (thank you for sparing me having to watch these shows, The Ashley!) it seems to me they were both hiding in plain sight.

    As the parent, the responsibility is always yours to attempt a reconciliation with your child. If you’re rebuffed, make sure your child has all of your contact information and update your child when it changes.

    I have a family member who has a complicated relationship with children from a previous marriage; he respects that his choices negatively impacted them and that their response to him now is a consequence of those choices. It’s devastating to him, of course, but he knows he can’t force reconciliation.

    He regularly reaches out to them and hopes that in time, they’ll give him an opportunity to show up.

    Jenelle and David calling her father “after a night of drinking” and hanging up on him because “he sounded drunk” is almost as outrageous as her sister, Ashleigh, self-identifying as an “influencer.” It’s a lot. A lot to unpack.

    I clearly have feelings, but I also recognize that everyone has their own experiences and that horrid parenting takes on many forms.

    I could ramble on and on but I’ve already said more than enough.

  3. Isn’t Collin extremely mentally ill? I’m not saying he doesn’t love his “father.” I thought they said he is schizophrenic and starts fires? I’m not trying to disrespect anyone with mental illness. I have severe ones also. But, I was under the impression that he’s not
    really “functioning “ as people would say.

  4. The fact that Jenelle is pissed off that Ashleigh announced this tells me that there is something connected to her father that David can use against her somehow.

  5. Can’t believe none of his family even thought to reach out to his kids to let them know he passed away.
    But finally found someone who is an even worse parent than Amber.

  6. Barb and the husband were both heavy drinkers. The difference is Barb had a job.
    These 3 kids didn’t have a chance.

    Jenelle did the same with her kids.
    Lesser of 2 evils, I suppose.
    Jenelle keeps a roof. Keeps a vehicle. Feeds them.

    The bar is entirely in hell.

    1. Thanks to teen mom money! Not being nasty, but if she didn’t have that I bet she never would have regained custody of Jace! And without the ‘d-list celebrity status’ who knows how many kids she would have had and with who. But I don’t legit feel like if that was the case barb would have kept them. Just my opinion

    2. Barbara se mudou para longe com 3 filhos e cortou contato e afastou seus filhos do pai o que os deixou revoltados. Assim como Jenelle fez com seus filhos. É um ciclo.

  7. While Ashleigh does seem kind of trashy and like she likes drama, I still love when she posts something that pisses Jenelle off.

    1. no fr even with david, as much as i hate him and want him in prison for decades for what he did to jace i still want to see him make jenelle’s life more miserable during the divorce process 😂

      1. That’s gotta be starting soon. We’re already in the last week of February.
        He needs to file divorce papers before she does and really stick it to her.

        1. Did you know they say that mental/emotional abuse is actually more damaging than physical abuse. David might’ve been far too rough on people way smaller than him, but Jenelle was JUST as abusive and her mental/emotional abuse is far more damaging to her kids. The mother wound cuts the deepest.

        2. What did I say that seemed to offend 11 people???? I pointed out not to forget about Davids abuse of Kaiser, along with his abuse of Jace. People always mention David abusing Jace but no one ever remembers the horrid abuse he also put Kaiser through for years!! What the fuck did I say wrong??????

          1. I think fans come on here and they dislike comments, even when they don’t comment. Cause I see a lot of down votes on things and I’m just like how does this make sense when all the comments go the other way?

        3. I guess I’ll assume by the down votes that no one remembers or cares about the horrible abuse of Kaiser. I honestly thought this was a group that cared about child abuse. Now I’m totally confused. Unless………. maybe these down votes are David and his girlfriend coming on here?????? I hadn’t thought of that.

          1. You know Jenelle will also deny that David abused Kaiser. She denied that he ever hurt any of the kids, and only pretended for be scared of him so she could use the law against him AFTER he moved on and didn’t care about her anymore.

  8. “As an influencer it’s my duty to notify you guys,” Ashleigh wrote.

    Isn’t that code for I don’t have a job?! My condolences to anyone who loses a loved one but good gravy. Jenelle and her sister are quite the pair.

    1. LOL!!! I know!!! On instagram, Jenelle has herself listed as a producer, an influencer, an author, and a public figure! LOL! I’m surprised she doesn’t have “medical school graduate” on there since she thinks she is one!!

  9. yea robert sure sounded like a pos especially with that 2016 interview but jenelle didn’t even try to make sure history didn’t repeat itself she’s literally doing the exact same thing barb did except this time her kids are gonna be way worse than her and her siblings smdh

  10. It’s not up to Jenelle! If the sister wants to post that her own Dad died, she can certainly do that. It’s her Dad. Jenelle doesn’t own the internet and she doesn’t get to tell the sister what to post about her own father!
    She really just loves drama. She does not go a day without stirring some up. She will be 80 years old and still doing it.

      1. Ding ding ding!!! This 100%.

        Jenelle wanted to sell the click bait story and now that her sister posted it, Jenelle won’t get the same payday.

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