Jenelle Evans’ most-recent ex-soulmate claims the fired Teen Mom star pawned off her parental responsibilities on him and left him stuck with a bill for her son Jace’s medical procedures!
“August Keen” (real name: Daniel Miranda) broke up with Jenelle last month and, since that time, the two exes have been bickering back-and-forth via media interviews and shady social media posts. On Tuesday, “August” came out swinging at Jenelle in a new interview with OK! Magazine, accusing her of being too HIGH! HIGH! to parent her three children, often leaving him to “play the parent” to Jace, Kaiser and Ensley– none of whom are his children.
“August” also claimed in the interview that Jenelle refused to take her oldest son Jace to the hospital after he injured his hand, leaving “August” to finally do so while Jenelle went out of town. The hospital trip reportedly left “August” with a hefty bill, which he claims Jenelle expects him to pay.

“I took Jace to the hospital one day because Jenelle kept refusing to take him because she was always too high and he had a messed up hand,” “August” told the magazine. “It was a constant battle, and I kept telling her he needs to go to the hospital, he’s in pain, his hand looks messed up, but she kept putting it off.”
(From what The Ashley hears, Jace injured his hand during one of the times he was destroying things inside Jenelle’s home. One of those times, Jenelle called 911 on Jace to report him. He was temporarily removed from Jenelle’s home after that incident but came back soon after.)
Anyway, “August” claims he ended up taking Jace to the hospital while Jenelle was in North Carolina for one of her many court hearings.
“As the adult, I had to sign off for it, so the bill for the hospital went under my name,” he said, adding that he’s been asking Jenelle to pay for her son’s bill for months but she has refused.
“She is refusing to pay for her own child’s medical expenses and expects me to pay for it,” he said, adding that Jenelle told him to call the hospital and deal with the bill himself.
“August”— who was Jenelle’s soulmate in Las Vegas after she left husband David Eason— then slammed Jenelle’s parenting abilities, claiming she was too busy using drugs to deal with the day-to-day tasks that come with being a mom, and often expected him to take charge of the kids.

“She needs to step up as a mother and take care of her kids and stop expecting for everyone else to step up and play the parent,” “August” said. “Just like my relationship with her, I was the one going to all the parent conferences and dealing with the kids’ school stuff when they got in trouble because she was always too high to give a s**t and go herself.”

As The Ashley previously reported, “August” called the police on Jenelle back in August and claimed Jenelle was very drunk and had “been hitting him all night.” In the same call, he told the 911 operator that Jenelle drinks a lot, takes pills and smokes a lot of weed. (Jenelle later denied his claims.)
When cops arrived to Jenelle’s home that night, “August” told them he was the stepfather of Jenelle’s kids, despite the fact that he and the fired ‘Teen Mom’ star never got hitched. (You can watch the police body cam footage from that night below!)
@theashleysrealityroundup Body Cam Footage: Jenelle Evans’ boyfriend August Keen talks to cops after calling 911 on her on August 31; says Jenelle “used to be an alcoholic”; says they’ve been together over two years & raise her kids together.#TeenMomNextChapter #teenmomthenextchapter #theashley #theashleysrealityroundup #fyp #fypシ #TeenMom #TeenMom2 #JenelleEvans #jenelleevansdrama #augustkeen #mtv #lasvegas #911 ♬ original sound – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup
In his new interview, “August” basically doubled down on the claims he made that night, stating that he acted as a stepfather to Jace, Kaiser and Ensley because Jenelle wouldn’t step up as a parent. He told the magazine that he would often get calls from the kids’ schools because Jenelle would “never answer” her phone when they called.
“She would get mad at the schools for them calling her so much [and] she would have meltdowns that the principal or after-school programs would call her,” “August” said, before stating that, in his opinion, Jenelle would have lost custody of her kids by now had he not been around.

“If it wasn’t for me, she probably wouldn’t have her kids right now,” he said.
“She needs to take accountability for her own children and pay this hospital bill!” “August” added. “I would take care of it, but she doesn’t deserve that from me.”
Jenelle took to social media soon after the interview was posted, and accused “August” of trying to get attention. (It’s important to note, however, that Jenelle did not deny his claims.)
“It’s givingggg attention seeking a**hole,” Jenelle wrote on X on Tuesday.
(Photos: MTV; Instagram; X)
21 Responses
So, basically, it’s more of the same. She said she’d didn’t have to stop partying just because she was pregnant and having a child when she was teenager. As I recall she and Andrew (🤢) we’re going to live happily ever after with their perfect little family and then she abandoned her baby. She’s a parody of her teenaged self.
We all knew this. David was OG mama and August played mama after him. People say she can’t be without a man but let’s be honest, she takes care of them so they’ll take care of the kids she can’t be bothered with. She doesn’t have a motherly bone in her body.
Imagine being the Judge of the custody hearing and only having Jenelle and David as options. Also, I know lying to the police is a crime but what about lying about lying to the police? August told the police she was drunk and high before they got there that night. Then he backtracked when they said they would have to take her in and now he is admitting publicly he lied? Crazy.
Consider the medical bill a stupid tax on you for getting with a known trash bag.
So when CPS was investigating Jenelle, he did what with all of this information?? And now, when he can make a quick buck off of it, he’s acting like he gives a shit about those kids? Jenelle and all of her soulmates are terrible people. And once again, those children have absolutely no one taking care of them.
instead of speaking with the media should he not be making a statement to child protective services!
Also he knew her before he got involved with her, he did jump into this blind he deserves all he gets!
You were her “manager” for years. You knew she was messed up and you still got into a relationship with her. You brought this on yourself.
I feel like if you have legitimate concerns about her parenting abilities, you should be getting in touch with her swamp donkey ex and not spreading this shit all over the Internet.
Thought you can’t do any medical unless you’re a caregiver/parent/family member.
I mean it’s not like he didn’t know her so him crying all about this is just sad. He knew 🤣
More than likely gave him power of attorney due to all her “Business trips ” Still needs to pay her kids bill.
Emergency situations have different rules.
It’s going to get worse and worse for her as the kids get older. I’m here for it
You now what? I believe him. Jenelle has always pushed her responsibilities off to anyone who would take them. Babs raised Jace BECAUSE Jenelle refused to take responsibility for him. If Jenelle was single for a full, consecutive year, I have no doubt that she would lose custody of her kids because she wouldn’t have anyone else around to take care of them
If that’s the way he feels, I hope he reported her to d.C f s
“She needs to step up as a mother and take care of her kids and stop expecting for everyone else to step up and play the parent,”
This ain’t news homey.
Ugh it’s like beating a dead horse at this point. We’ve all seen at least one episode of teen mom, we know she doesn’t take care of her kids. What happened to getting her arrested for throwing away mail? I’m all for screwing Chinelle , but ugh he’s awful too. Like all of her ‘soulmates’
If this is true then he needs to stop going to the media and contact the authories instead to help those children, they are both so immature and shouldn’t have access to children or pets
Despite living in Las Vegas, I haven’t seen a single pic of Janelle in a casino. I wouldn’t doubt that she is barred from them. Las Vegas takes even minor offenses seriously as that is almost their whole economy.
She doesn’t seem like the casino type. She’s more of a “drink at home and take any drug she’s given” type.
The only one surprised by this is august
Which makes him the dumbest fuck alive! As a “manager”, wouldn’t you expect this shit? Assuming you did your research as a “manager”???