Amber Portwood Claims She’s Getting ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ Cancelled: Here’s What’s Really Going On (Exclusive)

“Don’t make me get off this couch, MTV!” 

Amber Portwood slammed the MTV show that made her famous on Monday, while also declaring in a TikTok Live rant that she is going to get Teen Mom: The Next Chapter cancelled, as she feels the show is preventing her from reuniting with her estranged teen daughter Leah. 

“If [the show] isn’t cancelled, I’ll get it cancelled,” she told another TikTok creator during her Live. [The ball] is already in my court, honey. I promise that.”

The Ashley went to her behind-the-scenes sources to find out what is really going on, and whether or not the long-running franchise really did get “Portwooded” (aka “laid to rest”) by the network.

“I think the show’s getting cancelled, you guys,” Amber said, while doing a weird shoulder bounce (that The Ashley will refer to as the Ambie Arrogance Bop). “God works in mysterious ways, y’all! I wish I could say more. Is that in my contract? Nope.”

Amber then proceeded to clap and laugh, stating, “It’s not a bad thing for it to be done, it’s time, but if you keep graspin’ at straws for s**t, eventually it’s gonna go.”

“I mean, she’s not wrong…but Dr. D’s still gotta eat!” 

According to The Ashley’s production sources, the crew and cast have heard nothing about the show being cancelled.

“We are currently on hiatus, and, of course, there’s never a guarantee that we’ll be picked up again,” one source told The Ashley. “But we’ve heard absolutely nothing about it being cancelled, so I have no clue what she means. Also, Amber thinking that she would have any power to cancel the show is ridiculous. To my knowledge she has not been officially let go, though, but she’s basically asking to be fired so it’s doubtful she will continue on.” 

According to a second source, removing Amber from the cast may already be in the works, given that Amber was not invited to attend the Season 2B Reunion, which was filmed in January in New York City.

“Gary and Leah were there, but Amber was not invited,” one source told The Ashley. “She didn’t ‘decline’ to go– she was not asked to go.”

“Let’s be rill. I wouldn’t have left my loveseat behind even if I had been invited.”

Although the Reunion was filmed just a few weeks after Amber went on a Christmas Eve TikTok Live rampage, accusing her baby daddy Gary Shirley of rape, blackmail and more, a second production source insisted that had nothing to do with Amber being left out of the Reunion.

“It wasn’t that Gary didn’t want Amber there– although I wouldn’t blame him considering of the horrible things she accused him of,” the production source said. “It was actually Leah who didn’t want Amber there. She wouldn’t have been able to be open if Amber had been there. Although it doesn’t always seem like it, [production] will always protect or give priority to the kids’ needs over the other cast members’.”

During her Live, Amber bragged about how she “started” the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise. (The Ashley would like to interject here and explain that Amber’s episode of 16 and Pregnant was, indeed, used as the pilot episode to sell the show to MTV. But in no way did Amber start that show or have anything else to do with getting the show off the ground. Maci Bookout‘s episode was the first episode aired, but Amber’s episode was used as the pilot.) 

Amber then seemingly took aim at some of the other ‘Teen Mom’ girls. (As fans saw during a recent episode, Jade Cline and Cheyenne Floyd both slammed Amber’s treatment of Leah. On social media, Ashley JonesTaylor Selfridge and Briana DeJesus have also aired their thoughts on the situation recently.) 

“I started this, and all these girls now I starting to, like, form into this ball of hatefulness,” she said. “…If y’all want this show, take the show, take the reins. I’m not delusional; this is real s**t! They can take the reins. They can take that show.

“They should just leave me alone and shut the f**k up!” she continued. “Good luck to everybody.” 

“Kindly return all those big ol’ paychecks you got for being on this trainwreck and we’ll be on our way…”

“The show has run its course, yes,” she added.

Elsewhere in the Live, Amber blamed MTV for contributing to the estrangement between her and Leah. (As fans know, Leah has expressed on-air her desire to have her stepmom, Kristina, adopt her, as she feels like it was Kristina– not Amber— who raised her. On a recent episode, Gary revealed that Amber had only seen Leah four times in one year, something Amber blamed on Gary, whom she says told her to stay away.) 

“I look at [my relationship] with my son [James] and I see the potential in [my relationship with] Leah. But what I see is MTV in the way,” she said. “And they’re doing too much. They’re doing way too much. They’re, like, having people lie and s**t. They’re like actually making the stories up, to where nothing’s real anymore and I’m like, ‘Well I’m glad that y’all hate me.’ I don’t want to be a part of that s**t anymore.

Later in the Live, Amber spoke directly to Leah, telling her that she will likely feel differently about their relationship once she’s no longer on ‘Teen Mom.’ 

“…But this whole idea of you sending me messages via TikTok is out there, even for you, Amber.” 

“I think when this show is gone,” Amber said, “you’ll be able to live a normal life, hopefully, and you’ll be able to see how you feel, maybe in a couple years, babe. Give it a couple of years. [Get] more experience, out in the real world.”

Amber then discussed how keeping her son James off ‘Teen Mom’ has benefited him. (As The Ashley previously reported, James is not allowed to be filmed and neither Amber nor James’ father Andrew Glennon is allowed to post photos of him to social media, per their custody agreement.) 

“I see how [my son] James is with the show not in his life, and I’m telling you, it’s night and day,” Amber said. “So, am I horrible for wanting something maybe to stop? Yeah, but I kind of want my family more than the show. Sorry, guys.”

The Ashley will continue to update this story as more info is available. Stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: Amber Portwood Slams Her Baby Daddy Gary Shirley; Says He’s a “Pawn” of ‘Teen Mom’ Who’s “Never Had a Job”

32 Responses

  1. Once she gets booted off the show, she will have to get off her ass and get a real job. Oh boy I can’t wait for that day. She’s left the show and come back a few times. But if they boot her- she has 0 control whether she comes back or not. She will lose her shit when she gets booted off. I hope they film it lol

  2. Amber couldn’t never get up early to even take Leah to school! She sleeps all the time and the other times she is sitting on her beloved couch!!!! Blaming everyone else for her doings!! She never even took care of James when he lived with her and Andrew! Andrew did EVERYTHING FOR THAT LITTLE BOY!

  3. i’ve been wanting the show to be cancelled but no i want it to go on forever to spite amber. also amber really doesn’t give af about maci and catelynn the way they show out for her like the show isn’t their main source of income and she’s swearing she’s gonna get it cancelled. she sure as hell doesn’t hate it that much if she doesn’t have a problem still being on it and cashing in on the checks 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. She does know to even attempt to get the show cancelled she would have to get her lazy ass off the couch right?

  5. 1) your relationship with Leah is non existent because you are a sh*tty egg donor, not a mother, it’s not the show’s responsibility. Your relationship with James is better because luckily he’s far away from you.
    2) you don’t like the show? F*ckin quit and get an actual job for once in your useless life.
    3) you’ll get the show cancelled? Lol who tf do you think you are, you lazy b*tch? XD

  6. As much as this pains me to say, I feel like Amber being on the show has actually been very validating to other children (like Leah) that have narcissist parents. I think that is one positive of her existence: it has helped other victims of people like her recognize the behavior and call it out.

    But I think that purpose has ran its course. It is now time for her to exit stage left so we can all see how Gary, Kristina, and Leah thrive without her. That’s the final thing we all need to see, that there is a great life after getting rid of a narcissist

  7. Amber constantly screaming “Kristina is just a stepmom” No Amber, Kristina is not a stepmom, SHE IS A MOM WHO STEPPED UP. You should be so thankful to her.

    1. She should be thanking Kristina every day for stepping up and loving her child unconditionally when she didn’t have to, when Amber couldn’t and wouldn’t be a parent. Blood doesn’t mean shit. Leah has spoken. Kristina is her mom and Amber is only making things worse for herself by spouting off that vile shit. And once the show is long over and Amber still has no relationship with her, she’s gonna have something else to blame it on.

  8. And of course, crickets from Maci and Cate about their ride or die trying to get THEIR paychecks canceled too.

  9. Her relationship with James is night and day from her relationship with Leah because James is what? 4? 5? It’s incredibly different to parent a child versus parenting a teenager no matter what, even if you have a good relationship with the teen.

    Amber’s level of delusion never ceases to amaze me.

  10. Amber shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds her. It’s delaying her debut on Only Fans, for a while.

      1. I was thinking the same thing! LOL!! But then again, desperate/ perverted people actually pay to see Jenelle naked, and that has to be just as gross or worse than seeing Amber. Neither girl has a single thing about their bodies that could be considered “sexy.” It’s actually amusing that Jenelle thinks she’s “hot.” But maybe it’s the only job either girl can do, considering their lack of brains, inability to pass any kind of drug test, and their delusional belief that they are ” famous tv stars!”

  11. I really like to think that she thinks she has more power than Paramount and Morgan J Freeman….

    I can see it now…

    Operator: Hello Paramount Global, how can I direct your call?
    Amber: hello, this is Amber Portwood. I would like to talk to the manager.
    Operator: Which manager? of Which department
    Amber: The manager of teen mom and MTV
    Operator: Do you have the name of said manager?
    Amber: Excuse me… do you know who you are talking to?
    Operator: Who is this?
    Operator: I already told you… you stupid b*tch… Amber Portwood… I demand for Teen Mom to be cancelled…

    Operator: Who the hell is Amber Portwood? I thought they cancelled that Teen Mom show years ago… what a weirdo.

  12. “If [the show] isn’t cancelled, I’ll get it cancelled,”…”


    “Amber thinking that she would have any power to cancel the show is ridiculous.”

    Well, in all fairness and honesty, Amber is ridiculous until she’s wielding a machete and then she’s dangerous.

    She lives in an alternate reality and I feel sorry for her children. Hopefully, one day her enablers will stop validating her victim complex and she’ll extract herself from the sofa attached to her hind end and get the psychiatric and therapeutic help she needs.

  13. Awww Ambie is pissed off that the camera’s catch her shitty parenting so she can’t really deny it

  14. While I do think it’s long past time for the show to end, now I want it to continue without Amber just to spite her. Keep Gary and Kristina and focus on normal family life. Ax a few others too. Revamp it and make it watchable again.

    Amber thinking her and Leah will be close if the show ends just proves how delusional she really is.

  15. Ooooh, she is so tough! This hoodrat from WhiteTrashVille is gonna square up against MTV, she’s such a powerhouse! She’s def Portwood As Fuck(ed!) without them MTV checks though…just sayin….

  16. If would have been up to her, she would have still continued to film with James. Andrew is the one who didn’t want him on the show. She’s acting like she made that decision because she’s a good parent. That was court ordered. She is living in the land of delusion. She has always chose men over Leah and that is why Leah wants nothing to do with her not because of MTV

  17. What a narcissist. How can you be so delusional that you think you have the power to cancel the show while sitting with your ass firmly planted on your couch, sticking your tongue out like Miley Cyrus and talking to the sad people that give this lunatic the “celebrity status” she so craves.

    She is a shitty mother. That is what she is known for. Quite frankly I thought she was boring AF on her 16 & Pregnant episode. I continued to watch her segments on Teen Mom because little Leah was such a sweetheart & was and still is my favorite. I admit I continued watching also because I hoped someone somewhere would hold Amber accountable and she would actually face consequences. She still hasn’t.

    “Although it doesn’t always seem like it, [production] will always protect or give priority to the kids’ needs over the other cast members”

    MTV acting like they care about the kids. When David was yanking Kaiser by the arm, Jenelle was screaming at him to shut the fuck up and he was crying because he was hungry..did MTV care then? Or when David repeatedly called Kaiser a faggot. Multiple times because he was being a toddler and was crying because he was being abused? What about when Jenelle pulled a gun with Jace in the car and stupidly follows someone to their house and hits their mailbox? Or maybe when Leah was very obviously drugged up out of her mind driving her 3 kids in the car? MTV there? I didn’t see you. Let’s be real if Amber is being asked to leave the show it is because she has violated their contract multiple times while broadcasting that she is violating the contract on social media.

    1. Have to call you out on one thing you said, the producers NEVER put the kids first, they are all for ratings period. Fire Amber yes and fire that producer Larry along with her.

      1. That’s what I said that they never put the kids first. I was quoting the article where MTV said they did. They exploit these kids and the parents are to blame also for letting this go on so long now that the kids are getting their driver’s licenses.🤯

  18. Then leave! You know damn well she doesn’t want the show to end. She’d have to get up off that couch & get a job.

    Gary & Leah are their own persons and can decide what they want to do. They don’t need her permission for shit.

    I’d be hard pressed to find any of this Kristina’s fault. Matter of fact, MTV should fire Amber, keep Gary & fam. Amber can be a visitor, not getting paid to appear for 5 minutes a year to look like a “good mom”.

    I’m just rambling.

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