‘Teen Mom’ Amber Portwood Insists She’s Not the Reason Her Daughter Leah Needs Therapy: “Nothing to Do With Me!”

“Um…yeah. Obviously…”

Amber Portwood took to TikTok Live again for yet another late-night rant on Thursday, during which the Teen Mom star insisted that she isn’t the reason her teenage daughter Leah is in therapy.

Amber made these bold claims despite the fact that she is currently estranged from her 16-year-old daughter, whom she shares with ex Gary Shirley, and on the heels of Leah revealing on a recent episode of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter that she has “issues” due to Amber’s actions over the last 16 years. 

During the Live, Amber also called MTV “desperate,” accusing those behind the show of “lying” and trying to make it seem like Leah had only recently been going to therapy, due to Amber’s estrangement from her over the last year or so.

“Not so sure I’d be calling anyone else ‘desperate’ after your latest TikTok hijinks, Ambie…Just sayin’.”

Amber made an attempt in her latest TikTok Live sesh to back up her claims by encouraging fans to look up clips of a ‘Teen Mom’ Reunion from a few years ago, in which it was revealed that Leah was starting therapy. According to Amber, these clips prove that Leah began going to therapy for reasons unrelated to her or her parenting. 

“Guys, MTV, really? Really?! Now, this is why I’m having a lot of issues, guys, with what’s going on right now,” Amber said. “ … I don’t know. I didn’t know about this until not too long ago, but it actually was told to me today … .

“ … I will not let them do that to me and lie to you guys either,” Amber continued. “So to prove my point, so you guys know that I’m telling the truth, I’m simply going to say to you guys, look up the Reunion from a couple years ago, when my daughter first started therapy. It has nothing to do with me.” 

“Sure, Ma…and Gary 2.0 just bolted from you and hightailed it across the United States because he needed ‘fresh air…'”

Amber went on to argue that “this is what they do”– “they” presumably being MTV and the people behind ‘Teen Mom,’ whom she also accused of lying to viewers.  

“ … I call it desperation, but it’s lies,” she said. “And the craziest thing is that I don’t even have to prove this because they filmed it. So I don’t really know how they can even try to lie like this as if you guys are ignorant and, you know, wouldn’t catch on to that.” 

While Amber didn’t confirm which Reunion she was talking about in the Live, it appears that she was referring to either the Teen Mom OG Season 8 Reunion or the one that aired in 2021. Leah being in therapy was a topic of discussion at both Reunions.

During the 2021 Reunion, Amber walked off the stage in anger after finding out that Gary and Kristina had put Leah into therapy without Amber’s knowledge. Kristina later revealed at the Reunion that it was Leah who requested that Amber not be told about it.

Saint Kristina trying to explain things to Amber in the least-hurtful way possible…

During the Season 8 Reunion, Gary and Kristina spoke about Leah having panic attacks, with Gary explaining to Dr. Drew and Nessa that Leah experienced these “panic attacks” whenever she got into trouble with her parents. Gary also revealed that he and Kristina had started taking Leah to see a therapist. 

Despite Amber implying on TikTok Live this week that Leah seeing a therapist had nothing to do with her, Gary explained during that Reunion that he and Kristina actually began taking Leah to a therapist around the time that he and Amber were “going through some custody stuff.” 

“ … We wanted Leah to have a place to open up [about] how she truly felt,” he said. 

“Amber may need to order another glass of wine if I’m gonna say how I TRULY feel…”

Gary went on to reveal that he was concerned that viewers would “trace a line from Leah to her mom” after it was revealed on the show that Leah was having panic attacks, noting that Amber has experienced similar issues herself over the years.

Later in the episode, Dr. Drew traveled to Indiana to speak to Amber one-on-one. During their conversation, Dr. Drew asked Amber how it felt to see Leah experiencing panic attacks that season and Amber said it “completely devastated” her, noting that she was around Leah’s age when she started having similar issues.

“I wanna be on board with Gary and Kristina,” Amber said regarding helping Leah. “I want us all to be on-board.” 

Amber’s comments to Dr. Drew on the reunion suggest that she was very much aware that Leah had begun therapy at the time, despite claiming on TikTok Live Friday that she only learned about the details of the situation this week. 

This is not the first time in recent weeks that Amber has denied having any part in her daughter having “issues.” During yet another TikTok Live earlier this month, Amber got angry when someone on the Live told her that she has put Leah “through enough” already.

“I put her through enough!?” Amber repeated. “We’ve already talked about everything from the past. She doesn’t remember anything, guys. She said it on the show that she didn’t remember anything bad…she didn’t remember anything but she would watch clips [of the show] online. And she said that’s what she hated.”

Amber went on to state that Leah doesn’t actually even have trauma.


“So it’s not trauma. She doesn’t have trauma. Thank God,” she said. “She’s had a rough life, yeah. But guys, not everything is trauma. And it’s not denial. You can’t call that trauma.

“I didn’t beat her,” Amber continued. “She’s traumatized about what?! “No, she’s not traumatized because of me. I didn’t do anything to her like that.”

You can watch the clip of Amber’s TikTok Live from Thursday below!

RELATED STORY: Amber Portwood Apologizes to Catelynn Lowell & Maci Bookout for Flipping Them Off; Catelynn Responds

(Photos: MTV; TikTok) 

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20 Responses

  1. 0
    Rate This

    Ya know, it’s easy to say ambers issues are mental health related. However, she’s just an egg donor. Watching old episodes, this has been her the entire time regardless of what help she gets. She’s just a horrific excuse for a mom, and the best thing she could ever do for Leah would be to let Kristina adopt her and just leave. She would never do that though because everything always has to be about amber and in amber favor. MTV needs to do that right thing too and fire her useless ass.

  2. 0
    Rate This

    Off topic but I nominate Jade’s mother as one of the worst individuals on this franchise. Jade needs to realize that her parents are never going to get clean. At least, Tyler cut off Butch and I just saw Tyler’s sister was arrested for a stabbing in Texas. Some people are unwilling or unable to change no matter how much help they receive.

  3. 1
    Rate This

    I dislike Amber too, but it’s obviously she’s having manic? episodes? instead of watching her, They need to put her under watch. Something serious is going on with her. And I don’t care who you are. I don’t wanna see something terrible happen to anyone. She should be 5150 I hope her mom and brother see this.

  4. 5
    Rate This

    1. Since when is being beaten the only reason someone needs therapy?
    2. No one said Leah needs therapy for things Amber did when she was a baby that she doesn’t remember.
    She needs therapy for being abandoned by Amber, for all the visits Amber cancelled, for Amber’s online rants embarrassing her, for Amber continuously choosing boyfriends over her, for all the cruel things she’s said about the 2 people Leah loves most (Gary and Kristina), for having a new baby and living with that baby while not being in Leah’s life, and then after Leah formed a relationship with her half-brother, doing things that caused the brother to be moved away across the country, for promising that she’ll be back and be a good mom after being in prison, and then not doing that……..need we go on??
    Leah has 16 years of trauma to get therapy for, not just stuff that “she doesn’t remember”, not just stuff she’s seen on the show, not about being beaten, Amber.
    Oh and guess what else I’m sure she needs therapy for? You saying all these things about her right now. Damn.

  5. 6
    Rate This

    In 1.5 very short years, Leah is going to be able to file this adoption without Amber’s interference. And that is going to be terrifying. We think Amber is unhinged now, just wait until Leah cuts her off for good.

  6. 7
    Rate This

    I normally think a 5150 is rather extreme. However, desperate times. She’s neck deep in Kim Richards territory and it’s not entertainment. It’s fucking heartbreaking. Be well, and good luck to all of you.😥

  7. 0
    Rate This

    It was nice of Amber to be Gary and Krisrinas surrogate, but she just needs to shut up and go away now 👍

  8. 11
    Rate This

    Leah. You sweet, beautiful young gal: please recognize the toxicity in your life and avoid it. Your father and stepmother are your strength; the woman who gave birth to you is not.

  9. 19
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    Imagine being bit by a dog at 18 months old. You’re not likely to remember it, but you grow up completely terrified of dogs, not knowing why. THE BODY REMEMBERS TRAUMA EVEN WHEN THERES NO MEMORY OF IT. If Amber really went to school for this like she claims, she’d know this.

  10. 23
    Rate This

    I WISH I could be this delusional. It must be so nice to not have to take responsibility for anything, magically never do anything wrong, not have to raise your 2 kids, not have to have an actual job, etc

  11. 27
    Rate This

    Of course Leah didn’t start therapy recently because of you, Amber. She started therapy years ago AND recently because of you. You were always a POS since before she was even born. I bet Leah is counting the minutes to her 18th birthday so she can be completely no contact with that unhinged lunatic

    1. 13
      Rate This

      Right like does amber think you go to therapy for one thing, one time, ever? She’s so dumb

  12. 23
    Rate This

    how is amber STILL denying this like leah isn’t going on camera voluntarily to say all this, just proves even more she doesn’t care about her kids and that’s she’s that dense and not as educated in mental health as she claims to be

  13. 24
    Rate This

    Leah herself said that when she watches those old episodes, it’s very disturbing for her to see how her mother reacted, when she cried and abusing her dad when she was just a baby. So once again, Amber has no self awareness. And no accountability. Let Kristina adopt Leah buh by Ambee 💩

  14. 31
    Rate This

    Amber is right there in C&T territory where they all do not live in the same reality as the rest of us.

    All 3 are in such a delusional denial, it’s just weird. Unbelievably childish and immature. They all need serious help. Not pets, not puppets.. none have an ounce of accountability or responsibility. It’s sad for the children involved.

    1. 7
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      I actually think she’s worse than C & T because while they’re delusional, at least there isn’t video of Carly directly contradicting their reality like there is with Leah

  15. 31
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    “Amber Portwood took to TikTok Live again for yet another late-night rant…”

    How sad. She needs to put down the camera and light ring and get the psychiatric and therapeutic help she needs desperately. She’s becoming increasingly erratic and isolated. While it may be fun for her to live in her own reality, it’s hard to watch and has damaged her relationship with her daughter permanently and irrevocably.

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