TLC Announces New Series ‘Polyfamily’ Featuring “Polyamorous Quad” Living Together & Raising Their 5 Kids: Watch the First Trailer

Me, trying to keep these people’s names straight…

Move over Sister Wives: another multi-spouse family is coming to TV! 

TLC released the trailer on Monday for the new series Polyfamily, which follows two married couples as they navigate living together and raising a family as a “closed quad.”  

“Four parents, five kids, one unconventional love story,” TLC’s caption for the newly released trailer reads. “Tune in to the #Polyfamily series premiere on Tuesday, April 29 at 10/9c!” 

Nothing to see here…just two married couples sucking face with the people they’re dating!

In the trailer for the new series, Sean explains to producers that Taya is his wife and Alysia is his girlfriend, and Tyler notes that Alysia is his wife and Taya is his girlfriend. 

Sean and Tyler, doing their respective wife/girlfriend introductions…

“We are a closed, polyamorous quad,” Sean explains. “A closed quad is four people– us– we’re only dating within ourselves and married within ourselves. We don’t have any outside partners.” 

“Like everybody else, right?” Tyler jokingly adds.  

Alysia tells viewers in the trailer that she and other members of her quad never set out to “live like this,” but they made the decision to do so after realizing they could “love more than one person and make our own rules as to what we want our family to look like.” 

Before forming their quad, Sean and Taya had been married to each other for six years and Alysia and Tyler had been married for 11 years, during which they welcomed two children together. Since becoming a closed, poly quad, the family has gone on to welcome two more children, with another on the way.

The poly quad squad…

“We feel very fortunate to be able to give the kids double the love,” Alysia says. 

For those wondering about the paternity of the three children the quad has welcomed together, the family reveals in the trailer that the paternity of their three youngest children is unknown…by choice. 

“Since the guys switch rooms every night, we don’t know who the fathers of the younger boys are,” Taya says, joking that it’s “one of two people.” 

Raise your hand if you might be father of your girlfriend or wife’s baby…

While Tyler admits that he– and presumably other members of his quad–  wonder sometimes about the paternity of the children, he claims that finding out the information “could cause a lot of hurt.” In the ‘Polyfamily’ trailer, however, Taya is seen receiving a text from Sean about the results of a blood test for one of her children, which seemingly– though unintentionally– may reveal the paternity of the child. 

“I guess we know who the dad is,” Taya says while reading Sean’s text. 

The baby daddy drama comes up again in the trailer when Tyler slips up and tells Sean he should be able to talk to “his kid,” before correcting his statement to “our kid.” Later on, Sean confronts Tyler about an ongoing issue regarding the parenting of their children. 

“This has always been a point of contention– your kids and then us,” he says, to which Tyler responds, “Dude, you don’t need to parent me. I don’t need that.” 

“Maybe if I was parenting you, this s**t wouldn’t have happened,” Sean fires back. 

The trailer hints that there may be some other awkward interactions between Tyler and Sean in the upcoming season, with the two men admitting that they don’t have much in common, other than their partners and children. (It does not appear at all that Tyler and Sean have an intimate relationship with each other.)

“…much closer than we’d prefer.”

“We live together, we have mutual partners and we parent together,” Sean says. “But if we weren’t in this situation, we probably wouldn’t be friends.” 

As expected, the ‘Polyfamily’ quad will also deal with feelings of jealously, with Alysia noting in the trailer that when it comes to Taya and Tyler, it appears to her that they’re “more in love” than herself and Tyler. 

“I can’t help but be jealous about that,” she says, later breaking down in tears and telling Sean she doesn’t feel like she and Tyler are the same people they once were. 

The trailer also hints that the ‘Polyfamily’ quad may be transitioning into a quint. 

“I have something to share,” Taya tells Sean, Tyler and Alysia. “I feel like I have a connection with someone else.” 

“This should DEFINITELY lock us down for Season 2!”

Tyler asks Taya to clarify what she means by her statement, telling viewers that the quad the four of them have is “the most important thing” and he doesn’t want to “screw it up” by doing something before thinking it through. 

“It’s complicated to bring someone else in,” he tells Taya. “We’re not closed anymore at that point, we’re just not.” 

“Four’s company, five’s a crowd, Taya…”

After hearing Taya’s news, Alysia reveals that she doesn’t know where the quad goes from here.  

‘Polyfamily’ premieres April 29 on TLC. Watch the first trailer below! 

RELATED STORY: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Maddie Brown Confirms Newborn Daughter’s Name is a Tribute to Late Brother Garrison Brown 

(Photos: TLC; Instagram) 

6 Responses

  1. So both men tolerate each other because they want to keep f*ckin both women, ha?
    This is disgusting. I don’t care how many partners a grown person has but kids deserve to know who their biological parents are. It’s their right. This is simply child abuse.

  2. Gee..I’m sure their kids won’t be confused at all with this arrangement.🙄

    Aside from the weirdness of this little family from a medical standpoint it’s foolish. If you don’t know who the fathers are then if there is a genetic predisposition to an illness or disease you won’t know until your kids get sick.

    They can pretend that they are giving their children double the love but the reality is that the adults are being selfish putting their needs and wants above their children.

    Definitely sounds like a show on TLC.

  3. The “Learning” Channel needs to stop normalizing crap like this and fundie families with double-digit kids they can’t afford.

  4. Oh FFS. Great job TLC, another show that follows along the same tired script of several wives and kids.

    Also, as a woman, I’m really starting to miss when most men weren’t neck-bearded, weak looking pansy’s who’ve likely never been in a real fight. And, no, “e-fights” on social media don’t count.

    We have the vaginas. Quit trying to steal ours.

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