Weird Suicide “Jokes” & Crowd Plants: Farrah Abraham Bombs Her Stand-Up Comedy Debut at NYC Strip Club: An Honest Review of the Night (EXCLUSIVE)


“I’m the Number One Comedy Star of Our Generation!”


Farrah Abraham debuted her standup comedy act on Thursday, March 13 at Spearmint Rhino strip club in New York City, and The Ashley has exclusive details from inside the club where the fired Teen Mom star stumbled through a painful 30-minute set in which she joked about sugar daddies, suicidal thoughts, ketamine and more.

The event took place inside the strip club’s smaller lounge on the second floor, providing an intimate setting for guests, with the host of the  Teen Mom Trash Talk podcastTracey Carnazzo, as the opening act. After her set, Farrah came out wearing a silver metal top, a short black skirt, and fishnet stockings.

As one does…

Inside the stripclub/our nightmares…

She had herself introduced as “icon, legend, superstar OG, the greatest of all time ‘Teen Mom’, Farrah Abraham…”

(She used AI to do the announcement, most likely because she probably couldn’t find anyone who could introduce her that way without laughing…?) 

“A lot of comedians have acted like I’ve never toured before, never used a microphone before, don’t even know how to get on a stage,” Farrah began. “But I am what is known as a ‘pedestal princess.'”

(Yeah…no one got that joke. She should have probably added “Wacka Wacka Wacka”– a la Fozzie Bear— after each “joke” so people would know she was trying to be funny.) 

As she was getting her bearings, the “Teen Mom” star made sure to acknowledge p0rn star Alexis Texas, who was in the audience. (Farrah vowed that she was going to make more money than Alexis on OnlyFans, and it sounded like the only person who laughed was Alexis.)

Also part of the motley crew in attendance was Dr. Drew Pinsky and Vinny Tortorella, the former fiancĂ© of Jersey Shore star Angelina Pivarnick.

Dr. Drew, (hopefully) rethinking his life choices while attending Farrah’s strip club comedy debut…

Farrah seemed “nervous” and “confused on what to do” once on the stage, and her “set” quickly turned raunchy, with Farrah telling the crowd that during a recent podcast with Alexis, she found out that the latter had never seen a “micro penis turn into a BBC,” which she encouraged fans to watch on her OnlyFans account.

Not many people in the crowd understood the joke, but the Backdoor Teen Mom thought it was hilarious. 

Farrah kept referring to an audience member as FBI director Kash Patel and randomly asked, “Am I being racist or is this OK?” (This resulted in a few pity-chuckles from the crowd, but Farrah hadn’t said anything racist whatsoever so the “joke” made absolutely no sense.) 

Next, Farrah took aim at her estranged mother, Debra “Debz OG” Danielsen, whom she hasn’t spoken to in years.

“A lot of people like to cancel people. The only person I really love to cancel is my mom,” Farrah declared. “Does anyone have, like, mommy issues growing up? … A lot of men who date me also have mommy issues, and I think it’s great. …I was also raised around people who had such amazing parents. I wish I had their parents.”

Raise your hand if you think Debz OG weird rap videos are funnier than Farrah’s “comedy” routine…

From there, Farrah began to talk about her favorite topic: herself. She boasted that her 16-year-old daughter Sophia (who, luckily, was nowhere to be found at this low-rent laugh factory) loves spending time with her because Farrah is a “trophy mom.” 

This is where the set got a bit lost…even more so than before. Farrah declared she’s “living the dream with my daughter and I
know it didn’t really seem like a dream on ‘Teen Mom.’”

More like a fever dream….

“I have decided through like, ketamine psychedelic treatments that maybe I was in, like, a psychedelic parenting simulation and once you get out of simulations 
 then you just start seeing what I am and what I want to do and how I want to do it, and I just decided to come up
on this comedy stage, so it’s really cool!”

It’s nice that Farrah’s signature word-salad “Farrah Speak” made it to the Spearmint Rhino….

Farrah pivoted to talking about couples who wanted her as a third in their sexcapades and said, “I’m not really into that.”

After she asked the audience if they were into throuples, the woman next to “Kash Patel” said she was.  The woman and “Kash” very much seemed like plants in the crowd, designed to help move her “set” along. Farrah turned her attention on the woman, who said, “I think that like, you can’t trust a man unless you’re there while he’s cheating on you.”


This prompted Farrah to sarcastically repeat the statement, which got her laughs from the audience but they seemed to be laughs out of confusion, rather than laughs from something that was funny.

Farrah then stooped to reading her journal to the crowd (no, seriously), bragging about getting a sugar daddy, getting a degree and more “tasks” that she says she’s completed so far in 2025. 

I’m sure Howie Mandel and Chris Rock started this way too…

“People think I’m narcissistic but I really like to love myself…I call it self-love,” she said. “…I feel like a lot of people have judged when I’ve been my wildest, and I think it’s because I was on television.”

Farrah turned her jokes to the topic of drug addiction, something she claims she and her friend were talking about that night. (She also accused her friend of being so addicted to ketamine that she jams it up her “booty hole” and whatnot.)

“We realized we can stop doing things that stimulate us and then have anxiety and suicidal thoughts later,” Farrah said. “But then you’re like, ‘I can actually stop this, stop having suicidal thoughts, and live through it.”  

Not shockingly, very few people found jokes about “suicidal thoughts” hilarious. 

The only thing that could have made Farrah’s comedy set funny is if she had worn these glasses the entire time…

Later on in the set, Farrah joked about scheduling her stand-up debut to get out of court hearings over a lawsuit involving an altercation with a security guard. (You can read all about that here.)

“For some reason, they get to sue me and it’s just been so much fun,” she said. â€œBut she got a psych evaluation and it’s hard. It’s really hard to get through legal problems because at the end of it, when you realize that you’re gonna lose, and you’re not gonna win, people do get suicidal. So she might need some ketamine.”

A few chuckled but the joke didn’t land and Farrah continued, “I wish the best for anyone who goes to court with me.” 

She then started talking about how, when she’s selling out arenas with “50,000 people in the audience” for her comedy gigs (Um?) she realizes that one of the people in the audience “could probably be my rapist, who attacked me, and I realized I’m just OK with it.” 

Next Farrah revealed that she was asked by someone who is supposedly suing her if she wants to work at a legal brothel in Nevada. 

As you do…

Farrah ended her set with a story about sleeping with a married man, which was okay because he had an arrangement with his wife. “I’m not a homewrecker,” she told the audience.

After the set, Farrah invited the audience to a meet-and-greet, during which she would give lap dances. (According to the manager of Spearmint Rhino, about five people bought the $250 package.)

Despite Farrah rarely getting more than a sympathy laugh (or an uncomfortable chuckle) from the audience, Dr. Drew declared later in an interview that Farrah did a “fantastic job.”

You can listen to some of Farrah’s cringest jokes below!

@theashleysrealityroundup Farrah Abraham Bombs Comedy Debut with Weird Jokes About "Suicidal Thoughts," Ketamine & More (Go to to read The Ashley's full recap of the event!) Former 'Teen Mom' star's stand-up comedy debut was a disaster, and The Ashley's team was inside the strip club the event took place to catch the whole cringeworthy performance. During her set, Farrah talked made "jokes" about having sucidial thoughts, having sugar daddies and more. Most of these "jokes" hardly garnered a chuckle from the audience. #FYP #fypage #RealityTV #fypp #theashleysrealityroundup #teenmomthenextchapter #TheAshley #fypă‚· #RealityTVClips #Comedy #farrahabraham #TeenMomNews #teenmomog ♬ original sound – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup

RELATED STORY: Dr. Drew Shows Up for Farrah Abraham’s Stand-Up Comedy Debut; Calls Former ‘Teen Mom’ a “Substantial Person”: “She Did a Fantastic Job”

7 Responses

  1. Ugh. I usually don’t comment about other people’s looks. You can’t help the way you were born. That’s not the case with her. We all know that. She’s absolutely terrifying. She doesn’t even look human anymore. More like a sex doll. Body dysmorphia is a terrible thing.

  2. Seriously I think Farrah has some kind of neurological problem or brain damage that’s never been diagnosed

  3. This genuinely just makes me sad. She is a very ill person and god knows how that affects Sofia. It’s too sad a situation to even laugh at. All I feel is pity.

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