Catelynn Lowell and husband Tyler Baltierra are recalling some of the lows captured on Teen Mom over the years and how some of these scenes continue to be “dissected” by viewers nearly a decade later.
On this week’s episode of their Cate & Ty Break It Down podcast, the ‘Teen Mom’ couple spoke about certain scenes and storylines that were filmed for the MTV reality series “10, 12 years ago,” and how they are still being talked about by fans of the show today. Tyler noted that a lot of the conversations among viewers come back to the scenes that focused on Catelynn’s weight and postpartum depression.
Tyler claimed that these particular storylines were filmed while he and Cate were with a “certain producer and it just wasn’t working,” while Cate emphasized how many of the scenes were “very, like, weight-driven.”

“The whole story was about my weight and I’m like, why is this a subject, especially when I just had a baby, mind you,” she said. “ … That’s not good for any female.”
While fans saw Tyler speaking candidly, albeit insensitively, to his wife about her weight at the time, Tyler told podcast listeners that in some cases, he or Cate would casually bring up a topic in front of producers, who would in turn, “magnify it” for the show.
‘Teen Mom’ fans likely recall the infamous moment Tyler called out Cate in Season 6 of Teen Mom OG for eating a sizable quesadilla, despite being on Weight Watchers and counting “points.” Tyler not only pointed out how much Catelynn was eating, but then proclaimed that he doesn’t want a “heifer for a wife.” In addition to claiming that his response was to a producer asking what he prefers in a partner, Tyler insisted that these were conversations he and Cate were having with each other behind closed doors and that he was actually supporting his wife in her weight loss journey.

“I feel like when that situation was going on, it was like, what the TV didn’t show was that behind closed doors, you were talking about how bad you wanted to lose weight,” Tyler said to Cate, who admitted that she “needed to be held accountable” and did “need help with those certain things” at the time.
Tyler admits that his “delivery was off,” though he maintains his intent wasn’t wrong.
“ … especially when you’re filming a show and this is, like, the fourth time [producers have] asked this question,” Tyler explained. “It’s like, all right, you know, how many [Weight Watchers] points is that [quesadilla]?
“After a while, it gets super annoying,” he continued. “But I did it because that’s part of our job when we’re filming.”
Tyler and Cate also assured listeners that Tyler wasn’t calling Cate a heifer back in Season 6, despite how many viewers took it.

“ … We joke around about s**t like that all the time,” Cate said. “Like, you aways say, ‘Well, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be getting down and dirty with somebody who’s got a big old beer belly.’”
The couple also noted that many clips of that scene that get posted on social media are cut off before Cate is seen asking Tyler if he thinks she’s a heifer, to which Tyler assures her he doesn’t.
“People must really think that I’m just, like, some abused pushover,” Cate said of viewers believing that she would allow her husband to call her a heifer on TV. She also compared the situation to some viewers believing that Tyler forced her to do an adoption with their birth daughter Carly years ago.
“People must really think I’m, like, a weak b***h,” she said. “I don’t think that’s how it comes across to me.”
Tyler and Cate also spoke on their podcast about Cate’s postpartum depression being a storyline on the show, with Tyler admitting he felt “anxious” that cameras were coming in to film at a time when Cate was “on the couch a lot.”

“ … I didn’t want them to see you in that way,” he told Cate, adding that he was “so worried” about her during that time.
Cate and Tyler said they both learned a lot about postpartum depression after Cate experienced it herself, though Tyler admitted that at the time, he was dealing with some “caretaking fatigue,” which Cate said was the driving force behind her seeing a psychiatrist.
“It was a blessing that I had you in my life during that time because your mental health journey started at a younger age,” Cate said. “So you kind of knew about seeing psychiatrists and therapists and things like that. [My mental health journey] just smacked me in my face when I was like, 20 or 21 … .”

Cate and Tyler also addressed Cate taking back-to-back trips to treatment in 2017 while suffering from postpartum depression, which Cate revealed that viewers have called her “selfish” for over the years, particularly because she “left Tyler to take on everything.”
Cate explained that, at the time, she realized that if she wasn’t at “100 percent,” she couldn’t show up for her child, let alone her husband or herself.
“ … I’ve commented [online] or even said stuff to people before where I’m like, ‘Oh, OK. So, Nova could have a mom that was gone for, you know, six weeks, 12 weeks, or she could have a dead mom,” Cate said.
Cate and Tyler noted that they’re both “criticized” for certain things that have played out on the show over the years, thought they acknowledged that they’re “always going to be criticized” and “that’s fine.” They also said that they’ve asked “very, very smart professionals” if they’re “trauma-bonded,” and have been told “absolutely not.”

“Hey, listen, I’ll be honest with you, everyone out there, if we’re trauma-bonded, I really highly suggest it,” Tyler joked, with he and Cate going on to clarify that “trauma bonds” are actually “very toxic.”
“You call it trauma bond, I call it support and love and I don’t know what else to call it,” Tyler said.
Click here to listen to the full episode of Cate & Ty Break It Down.
(Photos: MTV)
27 Responses
Cate and her bang are greasy. She’s a mess and Tyler is undercover. I’m so sick of these two and their delusions.
They live in a bubble of their own hubris. How dear the produces ask them for objective reality. Pampered, delusional assholes.
These idiots will NEVER take accountability for ANYTHING they do wrong. Also it’s kind of funny that most posts here have two downvotes each. 🤔 If you actually are here, morons, GET A JOB AND STOP STALKING CARLY AND HER PARENTS!
Shut up, Tyler! No producer can force you to call your wife a heifer. My husband would have thrown anyone out of our house if they wanted him to hurt me. But then on the other hand my husband supports the family with a real job and doesn’t have to suck up to MTV or show his privates on the internet….
Tyler always took care of things, but he has never taken care of Cate.
I have to admit, I LMFAO when Cate came home from one of her rehab stunts, was only home 5 minutes, saw the house was a wreck and said she had to go back to rehab and Ty said “When?” and she said “NOW” I would have said clean this fn. house first then you can go back.
It’s a shame to think back to when they were teenagers-they seemed so mature and on their way to greatness. Being destitute and surrounded by abuse and addiction seemed almost a blessing for their futures. Now it’s all about MTV money, laying around, bitching about the lovely couple who loves Carly, therapy horses, etc.
Topics for Ty’s & Cait’s podcast include: Trauma, how horrible adoption is, Trauma, old sh*t that happened on teen mom, aaand. Yeah, I don’t think either of these two goobers thought long term with this podcast shenanigan. But if the manage to get more episodes out than Janelle…great job?!
I gained a lot of weight with my abusive ex-husband because I was always pregnant and then depressed from dealing with him. Starting dropping it when I got away from him. Tyler constantly commenting on her weight while she had PPD made things a thousand times worse. Nobody made him make snarky remarks.
Also, I recently rewatched early seasons and he did this from the get-go, even talked about her weight to his mom. He was also always ordering pizza when they first moved in together on their own and Catelynn commented that they shouldn’t be living off of junk food but he was the one that wanted it. He was eating like shit too, he just had a high metabolism so he didn’t gain like her.
They can deny they’re trauma bonded all they want but there’s no way that isn’t exactly why they’ve stayed together.
Agreed. I’ve always thought they have that bond.
Also, if they don’t like how they’re “portrayed”, they can always quit and find real jobs.
They’re adults. They didn’t HAVE to have these conversations. No they didn’t.
So what, a producer was prompting you? Wasn’t holding a gun to their heads, was he? No. No he wasn’t.
Producer was getting paid. He’d’a sat there all damn day as far as I was concerned. I wouldn’t be calling my wife a heifer, especially bc someone asked me “4 times”. Gtfoh.
Tyler is a manipulative pussy. A good husband would have told the producer to back off. Or more.
Not Tyler! He let another man come in his house and help him pile on his low life wife! For a check!
Unfortunately she’s heavier now. Still, Tyler can be ACTUALLY supportive or learn to stfu
He called his wife “a female”??
Jesus Christ.
“I call it support and love”.
I.. I canna..
I honestly do not think that Cate is weak; I think that Tyler has always been great at manipulating her and continues to do so by reframing his terrible behavior in a positive light. Tyler also has a knack for putting Cate down in a way that he disguises as constructive criticism, then love bombs her so she considers his words and actions to be supportive.
I do think that Tyler loves Cate, but he also thinks he is better than her and it shows. Tyler needs therapy just as much as Cate does, because they continue to love each other in the only way they know how….through the eyes of two abused children who never healed. Instead of studying up on adoption statistics, they should spend that time by actually doing the hard work to overcome their demons.
This for real
So, what I’m gathering is that people don’t want others to talk about depression, PPD and trauma. Yet, they feel “sad” when the person takes their own life. Mental illness comes with a huge stigma. Her talking about her struggles may actually help someone. You don’t know.
C&T talking about how the producers manipulated him into saying he doesn’t wanna have a heifer for a wife.
He could’ve talked about how worried he is about her health how he’s noticed that she’s not eating well, even made dinner instead of having them eat out all the time. He could have learned to cook, go on walks with her.
Forcing her to get out of the house even just to walk around the block would have been so much help. She was clearly struggling. Insulting her is never going be effective.
I also don’t think he was playing an active role in parenting nova at that time if I’m not mistaken, so his postpartum wife is struggling with depression, can’t brush your teeth can’t go to therapy. She’s send Nova over to her mom’s most days. (Still can’t believe they let April do that!)
His way to deal with that was to say that he doesn’t want her to become a cow, instead of you know, being like I don’t care you didn’t shower, or brush your teeth for 4 days, let’s go we are talking nova on a walk around the block, put your shoes on. Hey, I called your therapists, they are coming over today, since you are struggling to get there, Nova and I will go to my mom’s house so you can have privacy.
I think he also moved to another house after Cate got back from her 2nd mental breakdown. I do remember a scene when she had only been home days and she was eating. The entire time he was rolling his eyes. He said “You’re really indulging”. He then started snorting like a pig and laughing like a nut-job. I’m no Cate fan. Personally I don’t like either of them. But treating someone like this that you claim to love is so toxic.
I remember him telling her he wanted a separation and he would move into their new house once finished (which would take like another month at the time) so he stays with her all the while reminding her they would be separating.
And then they had a bandaid baby
I remember that. I believe she was eating pizza rolls. Unfortunately over eating may be a coping mechanism for her. I’m not saying it’s healthy or anything, but maybe she has a problem. Tyler needs to f$@k off with that shit.
Cate, but,but,but, my mennnntoollll health. I got so sick and tired of hearing her drag those 2 words out.
Whether Cate was off camera saying she wanted to lose weight or not calling her a heifer and commenting on what she eats is disrespectful and disgusting. Having your husband point out what you are eating & call attention to it by making rude comments is probably also “not good for any female”. Especially if he knows that she struggles with it off camera. I imagine she probably cried about it to Ty off camera. So he should have left it off camera. Does he think that’s motivation? Nope. He is just an insensitive asshole and Cate will always make excuses for him.
She was also so depressed she was suicidal yet Ty thought it was ok to do this.
Is trauma the only word these clowns know??
Pretty much.
They lock on to therapy words and throw them around until they aren’t even in the right context anymore.
The answer to your question is yeah, kind. Until they find a new word to misuse.
I think it’s MTV cash cow bonded. No pun intended.