Former Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska says her 15-year-old daughter Aubree is “so sure of herself,” something Chelsea claims she wasn’t when she was Aubree’s age.
“I’m so proud of her,” the Down Home Fab host recently told Us Weekly. “Just thinking back to how I was when I was her age, I just remember being like, I always wanted to follow the crowd, or I wanted to be someone I wasn’t.
Chelsea— who left ‘Teen Mom 2’ in November 2020 in part to give Aubree more privacy as she was becoming a teen— said that she is still very conscious of trying to limit how much Aubree and her other three kids appear in her social media content.
“I try to lean my content more away from the kids in general,” Chelsea said.
(While Aubree, Walker, Watson and Layne do appear occasionally on ‘Down Home Fab,’ Chelsea has stated that she is glad that show doesn’t focus on the kids or their personal lives, as ‘Teen Mom 2’ did.)
She says she’s also careful to get Aubree’s approval on anything she does post publicly.
“If I’m gonna post anything about Aubree, I will ask her if that’s OK with her,” Chelsea said. “I’m like, ‘Do you approve of this photo, or do you approve of this video?’ And if she says no, then [I] do not post that!”
Fans do get to see glimpses of Aubree’s ever-changing looks, though.
“She’s just so sure of herself and confident in her sense of style and who she is,” Chelsea said. “I think that is just so cool about her.”
While discussing her eldest child, Chelsea went on to tell the outlet that teenage Aubree has “such a unique sense of style” and is “so into makeup”– that latter of which, Chelsea likes to think Aubree got from her.

“It’s just really crazy,” she said of how much Aubree has grown up. “Everyone always says, ‘Aubree’s 15? That makes me feel so old.’ I know! Imagine how I feel. I feel so old, but she’s just so cool and confident, and I love that so much about her.”
These days, Aubree is learning how to drive and, according to Chelsea, frequently switching up her hairstyle.
“ … she wants to dye her hair red and she wants bangs,” Chelsea said.

Last year, Chelsea and her husband Cole DeBoer talked about the boundaries they have to have for Aubree because she is a “public figure” who people recognize from the show.
“People do know who she is. A lot of people love her, and they love watching her grow up. But I just want to be very protective of [her],” Chelsea told ET.
Cole stated that they restrict Aubree from certain things in order to protect her from potential harassment from the public.
“Sometimes she’ll ask why she can’t have certain things or do certain things, and you just have to be honest,” Cole said. “Sometimes we just say, ‘You don’t live a normal teenage life. There are a lot of people that watch you.’ It’s not because we don’t trust her; it’s that we don’t trust all the other people.
“And I would be devastated if there were negative comments that affected her in any way and made her feel bad,” Cole continued. “Then I would have to go full Dad Mode.”
Chelsea and Cole are also set to return for Season 3 of ‘Down Home Fab,’ premiering this spring. Before that, though, the couple will compete on Season 6 of HGTV’s Rock the Block, premiering April 14.
(Photos: Instagram; MTV)
5 Responses
The kids are all so cute. I’m glad Chelsea got herself off Teen Mom and did something with her life.
It is so heartwarming to see Chelsea really end up with that happy ending. She was always such a good mother and tried so hard to make Adam love her. She’s a good one and she really didn’t belong in the teen mom pit of doom.
Wish nothing but the best for Chelsea and her family, glad that everyone is doing well.
Side note commentary on today’s young ladies: I really can’t stand the duck lips bug eyed pout face that is used for every picture. It looks soo stupid, I’ve never seen Anyone pull it off. Women are naturally beautiful, I don’t understand why they feel the need to do this. My humble opinion.
Enough with the duck lips.
aubree literally reminds me of my 17 year old sister who also has this same type of style and just like aubree she’s so confident and sure of herself in it!