Kail Lowry Reunites with Ex Javi Marroquin for Podcast to Reveal Javi Has To Move Away; Javi Calls Kail’s Frequent Jokes About Their Wawa Hijinks “Disrespectful”

What I was low-key hoping this podcast episode would be about…

Former spouses and sporadic foes Kail Lowry and Javi Marroquin reunited this week to record an episode of Kail’s Barely Famous podcast, during which the exes revealed an update regarding the co-parenting situation for their son, 11-year-old Lincoln. 

While Kail and Javi’s co-parenting relationship has had its ups and (many) downs over the years, the two shocked many ‘Teen Mom’ fans this week when they revealed they were dropping a podcast episode together, suggesting they were back on good terms with one another, though also hinting that they would be dropping some big news. 

Kail and Javi not only teased a big announcement in the social media video promoting the episode, Javi (who was shirtless, for some reason), took to his Instagram Story the day before the episode was released, telling fans it had been “an emotional morning.” 

During the podcast episode, the former husband and wife revealed to listeners that Javi– who’s a recruiter in the United States Air Force Reserve– has been stationed in Virginia, and as a result, will be moving out of Delaware this summer.

As fans know, Kail lives in Delaware with Lincoln, her fiancé Elijah Scott and her six other kids. Javi currently resides near Kail with his fiancee Lauren Comeau and their kids, Maizee and Eli. Currently, Lincoln splits his time 50/50 with each of his parents, but with Javi moving over five hours away, the 11-year-old will see his father much less than he’s used to.

While discussing the upcoming move, Javi revealed that he had a few options as to where he could go, but after talking to Lauren, they agreed that Virginia was “probably the best-case scenario,” as it would at least put him within driving distance of Lincoln. He stated that, if he passed on taking the assignment in Virginia, he could have been forced to take an assignment that put him much farther away from Delaware. 

“It was, ‘Hey, take Virginia, or when your time does come up [to relocate], when your three-year mark hits, you’re gonna get whatever’s on the table,’” Javi explained. 

During the episode, Kail acknowledged that over the years, “the dynamics” between herself and Javi and herself and Lauren “have been a little rocky.”

“That’s the understatement of the century but Okkkk….”

Kail and Javi said that, despite their past turmoil, the exes hit “a little bit of a turning point for the relationship as parents” last year when both of their families traveled to Spain for Lincoln and Eli to play soccer.

Despite this, Kail still asked Javi if his upcoming move was in any way motivated by their past “dynamic.”

“Was this decision influenced at all by creating more distance between you and me, or Elijah and myself and you and Lauren?” Kail asked, to which Javi informed her it was not. 

“It’s not all about me? Um…since when?”

“No, this is strictly professional … ,” Javi said. “I mean, the military has done so many good things for all of us. It pays for Lincoln’s health insurance, it will pay for some of his school when he gets there. 

“I’ve been in for 12 years, I’ve worked too hard to get to where I’m at as far as rank and all of that for where I’m sitting at the table, and I’m really good at it,” he added, later confirming on the podcast that he plans to spend “a full career” of 20 years in the military. 

As for how the move will impact their co-parenting of Lincoln, Kail and Javi revealed that their son will continue living with Kail during the school year and will spend the summer with Javi. They also noted that the discussion would be revisited in a year, at which point, “whatever Lincoln says” is how the agreement will proceed, meaning that Lincoln would have the option to move to Virginia with Javi and see Kail only during school breaks.

“No pressure, Linc!”

Kail noted during the episode that, “in a perfect world,” Lincoln would split his time evenly between both of his parents “until he graduates high school.” Both she and Javi also stated that Lincoln was “conflicted” by what’s going on, with both agreeing that “nobody wins” in this situation. 

“ … me getting the school year [with Lincoln] is not a win, and I know that you might view it differently, but it’s not a win,” Kail said. “It’s not a win for either of us, and it’s not a win for the siblings, and it’s not a win for Lincoln.” 

Kail and Javi also revealed that they both got emotional– albeit separately– at mediation.

After Javi admitted that he would like to get Lincoln out of Delaware, Kail took a moment to remind Javi that him getting stationed in Delaware years ago is what ultimately brought her to the state, as well as another one of her baby daddies— Jo Rivera— as well as Jo’s wife, Vee Torres, and other members of their family.

Raise your hand if you’d rather move to Virgnia with Javi than stay in Delaware near Kail’s baby mama drama…

“ … I think us coming to Delaware has spiderwebbed into something so much bigger that none of us can control … ,” Kail stated. “I don’t make my day-to-day decisions off of you and Lauren, and I don’t make my day-to-day decisions off of Jo and Vee and vice versa. Like, I don’t. I can’t expect you guys to make your decisions off of us. But I think that there is something to be said about what we have created, and that is the spiderweb. 

“So if you pull on the spiderweb on one side, that entire spiderweb is having a ripple effect,” she continued. “Because Jo moved here, his mom moved here, Vee moved here for Jo, Vee’s sister just moved here. So there [are] so many layers to this, and I think it’s nobody’s fault … .” 

“…but if we have to blame someone, we’re obviously blaming Javi.”

While Kail summed up her (and everyone else’s) Delaware resident status as part of “the circumstances of life” and what was necessary for Javi to progress in his career, she also admitted that the situation “sucks because the rest of us don’t have the option to relocate.” 

“I just feel bad that all of these states are missing out on me and my talents.”

“I would have left a long time ago if it was up to me, because my career could soar in Atlanta, Texas, California, New York … but I don’t have a choice,” Kail said. “You get a choice of leaving and we don’t. So that’s sort of where it’s tricky because, I hear you when you say you want to get Lincoln out of here, but at the same time, Lincoln doesn’t know any different. He was born here. He’s been raised here … .” 

On Friday, Javi took to Instagram to explain to fans why he decided to open up about his upcoming move on Kail’s podcast, claiming it was a way for “both parties to communicate and explain why we came to the decision we did.” 

“I had a lot more to say, but I can’t get my thoughts and words to line up right now,” he wrote. “Tears roll down my face knowing how real it feels now. There’s no winning. I don’t win. Kail doesn’t win. Lincoln doesn’t win.

“One thing I know for sure…Lincoln will never have to question who I am as a dad and the only thing between us now are the miles we have to drive to see each other,” Javi continued. “Everything’s going to be ok.” 

During the podcast episode, Javi also addressed his dislike of Kail’s tendency to joke about their, um, “experiences” at the WaWa. (As fans will remember, Kail once admitted during an episode of ‘Teen Mom 2′ that she and Javi would meet at the ol’ WaWa and have sexcapades, despite Javi being with Lauren– who was pregnant with Eli at the time. Kail has apologized multiple times to Lauren and Javi for exposing it.) 


While Javi and Kail didn’t mention what the specific WaWa-related joke that Kail made that offended Javi, it’s possible that it was back in January when Kail “joked” that she should get a sponsorship deal from WaWa for all the “promotion” she’s given the brand over the years.

“For me, it’s a running joke and I hear it constantly– from you, from your friends… it’s funny for you, but for me that caused a lot of pain between us, in my life, in my personal life with my family,” Javi said of Kail’s WaWa jokes. “So to hear it constantly coming from you, I just feel like it’s disrespectful to me…so any time I hear those types of jokes, I’m like ‘Damn.’ You may not be specifically shooting them at me but it sparks the outside world [into remembering] ‘This is still funny’ or ‘Javi did that years ago.’

“That is behind me. I did all this work to get it behind me, so stuff like that just frustrates me,” he added. “It’s uncomfortable. I took myself out of the TV world for a long time. It just sucks.”

Kail said that she never intended the jokes to be a dig at Javi and Lauren, and didn’t realize he was upset by them.

“We are very much going to be downplaying all the Wawa stuff, so that’s out,” she assured him. “…I definitely don’t want to disrespect you in any way. Now that I know that, I’m not going to participate in Wawa jokes. And you have my word on that. So does Lauren and so does everyone in this room. So moving forward I won’t do that.” 

The Ashley…when asked if she, too, will refrain from WaWa jokes…

RELATED STORY: Kail in Crisis? Kail Lowry’s Fiance Elijah Scott Accused of Cheating on ‘Teen Mom’ Star Just Months After Their Twins Were Born 

(Photos: Instagram; MTV) 

30 Responses

  1. Javi doesn’t like the jokes because then it’s a constant reminder that he’s a POS. What’s disrespectful is repeatedly cheating on your pregnant and postpartum girlfriend. Javi and Kail are BOTH disrespectful POS for doing that to Lauren, and she’s just so delusional that she keeps going back for more torment.

  2. “You get a choice [to leave] and we don’t”

    You had a choice to have 4 baby fathers. He chose to only have 2 baby mothers.

  3. This seems like a really shitty thing to do based on the information they gave. Javi is moving away now, so he doesn’t have to in 3 years??? But that’s three years he would have with his son and if he’s going to have to travel anyway… why not wait? Moving away from your child when he’s 11 is different than moving away from your kid at 14. Junior high years are some of the most important as far as development goes. And there’s a chance he could be closer if he waited. There has to be something else going on or Javi is just wrong for this.

    1. I think to those not familiar to the military it did sound confusing. He is likely towards the end of his 3 year orders there. Probably has 6 months to a year left when we was offered to fill a position in VA. Otherwise end of the term comes and they send you wherever they need you which could be even over seas. So he did it right with those options. He just didn’t explain that he must be coming up on the end of the 3 years where this decision/offer mattered.

    2. He would have had to move at the end of his 3 years, meaning whenever his current contract was done, we have no idea how far into that 3 years he is right now, it doesn’t mean it was 3 years from now

    3. He means when he hits the 3 yr mark at his current duty station, they will choose for him if he didn’t take the options given. He may be only 3 mos away from the 3 yr mark, I have no idea, but recruiting is one area where they do have *some* choice in relocation at times. They’re given a list of available jobs for their career field, as well the location of the base they’ll be attached to. Sounds like he chose VA out of what was available.

      My spouse was also an AF recruiter on active duty, not Reserve, but sounds similar to our experience. We chose where we currently live bc it was on the list, we’d lived here prior so we knew we’d like it. When his time for orders came we did NOT want to go where they would send him, so he chose to retire as he’d already been in 20+ yrs. If he hadn’t though, we’d have had no choice but to take the assignment as he was NOT given a choice for that one.

  4. Can’t even feel sorry for Lauren Never-Marroquin anymore. Javi has:
    – Declared she’s his 3rd choice
    – He humiliated her in an ultimate fashion by banging a girl in their house while she was with the baby and trying to sleep Kail
    – Called the cops on her when an argument got out of hands

    Now she’s given him another child and is back to playing happy family. Hopefully he won’t humiliate her again, but she shouldn’t count on it.

  5. I mean, it’s not uncommon he would have to move eventually. I’m surprised he hasn’t had to move so far. Good luck jovi lol

  6. “I would have left a long time ago if it was up to me, because my career could soar in Atlanta, Texas, California, New York … but I don’t have a choice,” Kail said.
    She proves over and over how full of herself she is. She thinks she is so much better than everyone around her, but then always manages to keep being the trash that got here here to begin with. Never could stand her

    1. I laughed audibly out lout when I read that too. Like, oh okay Kail- yeah, a flourishing career if ONLY you would’ve moved to a different area ROFL GTFOH

  7. I don’t understand how this needed a whole podcast episode. I feel bad for Lincoln, as I’m sure he won’t see his dad as often.

    1. From what I understand, her podcasts are really falling on their arses. Seeing Javi and Kailyn going on together probably raised a lot of eyebrows and Kailyn knew people would be on there checking for any signs of an affair. Just my thoughts.

  8. I️ literally can’t think of Javi and not think of the fact that he was cheating on Lauren in their own home while her and the baby were asleep upstairs. Like how can anyone ever forgive something like that? Insane!

    That’s not something you can grow from. A person that is capable of that is messed up. Period.

  9. Ok, I always assumed in that screenshot about Wawa she was wearing a tshirt and her tattoos were showing. I realize now it’s a tie-dyed long sleeve

  10. Javi saying that joking about the Wawa situation is “disrespectful” is rich considering he was the one that cheated on his baby mama. And then he CHEATED ON HER AGAIN in their own home, while she was upstairs with their child.

    1. He just hates the constant reminders.
      He isn’t ashamed of what happened, just that ppl know about it

  11. I love how Kail think Javi has a choice when the military is literally in charge of his entire existence

  12. Javi was too good for Kail. At least, he joined the U.S. Air Force and made something of himself. I think he did something with drones in the Middle East. I bet Javi was “the one who got away” and Kail still thinks about him.

    1. If that was the case, then why was he cheating on Lauren with Kail? While Lauren was pregnant? They’re both trash. He’s not better than her

    2. Oh yes Javi was a Prince… Hitting up Kail for booty calls and having sex with someone in his house while his gf and child slept upstairs….

  13. The way they named this episode ‘Coming Together As A United Front’ and hinting at serious news had me thinking Lincoln had received a serious diagnosis or something.

    This was just an attention-seeking money grab. Part two drops next week 🙃

    1. I thought it was something awful like that too, but then considering the adults involved, figured it was going to be no biggie. But good that it wasn’t a serious medical issue or something like that. Total attention wh0r3$

    2. Same! I literally thought Lincoln got diagnosed with a serious health condition. Come to find out, it was just orders! Geez man, its not a big deal, military families go through this all the time and they somehow survive without being tragic about it. Shocker! Your kid will be ok.

  14. Lauren probably won’t miss Kail sneering at her from the sidelines at Lincoln’s sporting events. Kail must be in extra Hulk mode now with her baby daddy’s alleged infidelity and she won’t be able to interfere with Javi’s relationship. Is he ever going to bother to tie the knot with Lauren?

    Interesting that Javi sold the CrossFit gym, went back in the military and is back with Lauren plus another kid. Maybe he’s growing up, but he’s still gross. And he needs to get over himself with that signature on his Insta post.

    1. The pic of himself in the sauna is totally cringe. I’ve always thought javi was an attention whore. Don’t like him.

  15. This is something that could’ve been kept private, but sure, go ahead and monetize the situation. As they -always- do. Gotta get the attention from somewhere I guess.

    1. In the reality series, and social media game, it is all about content. Anything they can talk about for an hour is gold (literally) whether it is personal or not.

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