Farrah Abraham Slams Former ‘Teen Mom’ Co-Stars Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra for Recent Criticism of Adoption: “They Should Focus On Loving the Children They Have”

When Farrah calls you out and surprisingly makes a few good points…

Farrah Abraham took a break over the weekend from serving up her usual helpings of Farrah Speak Word Salad to deliver some words of advice (and criticism) to her former Teen Mom co-stars Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra. 

As longtime fans of ‘Teen Mom’ know, Cate and Tyler placed their birth daughter Carly for adoption in 2009. While the two have had ups and downs over the years with Carly’s parents, Brandon and Teresa Davis, their criticism of their own adoption situation as well as adoption in general has ramped up since Carly’s parents cut off contact with the MTV stars in the spring of 2024. 

While Farrah recently reminded fans that she isn’t the biggest fan of the Teen Mom: The Next Chapter couple, her lengthy comment on a clip from Cate and Tyler’s newly launched podcast, Cate & Ty Break It Down, suggests that the aspiring stand-up comedian isn’t a fan of the pair’s new venture or their recent comments on adoption either.

In her comment, Farrah accused Tyler and Cate of “gaslighting those struggling with infertility,” while insisting that Cate and Tyler “cannot take accountably for their own mental health and actions.” 

Farrah launched some heavy-duty criticism at the couple, who have stated numerous times in recent years that they felt that they were taken advantage of by the adoption agency they used for Carly’s adoption, and other adults during this time. 

“Perhaps they shouldn’t have listened to other adults regarding their adoption 17 years ago,” Farrah wrote. “It’s essential that they seek help from a psychiatrist and stop speaking on behalf of individuals who are not present and who want nothing to do with their criminal, toxic behavior and abusive family.” 

In addition to slamming Cate and Ty for their incessant criticism of adoption, Farrah said the two need to “stop blaming others.” She then claimed that they “need to address their addictions,” suggesting that they “embrace the principles of the 12-step program.” 

Farrah then advised Catelynn and Tyler to focus on their three daughters, Nova, Vaeda and Rya. 

“They should focus on loving the children they have while keeping them away from their toxic family, especially since they should have learned from my story on MTV,” Farrah wrote. (As The Ashley previously reported, Farrah is no longer in contact with her parents, Debra Danielsen and Michael Abraham.)

“It’s time to stop projecting their trauma onto their children and break the cycle,” Farrah continued. “Children are perceptive; they can see hypocrisy and narcissistic behavior.” 

Farrah ended her (mostly Farrah Speak-free) rant by stating that the “child development within this family line is lacking.” 

“ … It’s time for them to wake up and prioritize their health,” she added. 

“Get it together, PER LAW!”

Catelynn and Tyler have yet to respond to Farrah’s social media slam. 

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ Star Tyler Baltierra Reveals Why He Gave Up His Profitable OnlyFans Site 

(Photos: MTV; Instagram) 

36 Responses

  1. Why would anyone take parenting advice from Farrah. She is a Lousy mother. If it wasn’t for her daughter she wouldn’t have any friends. She has always has treated her daughter like a friend rather then her daughter. So, do the world a favor Farrah do not speak!!!
    As far as Cate and Tyler go with the up bringing they both had I think they turned out to be good parents. With addiction on both sides of there family those two beat the odds. I would take Cate and Tyler over artificial Farrah.

  2. Tyler needs to shut up. He told her he would leave her if she kept Carly. Can’t complain now. You didn’t want Carly, remember tyler?!

  3. Brandon and Theresa are amazing people. They’re the type of people in the adult world you’ll be comparing your own family to one day.. cute and Tyler need to accept that this has got to have something to do with Carly and what she wants. She’s probably humiliated they’re her parents. The people she’s grown up around and the people she’s friends with and her own damn family are way above cate and Tyler in the life social latter. She’s been raised to know she’s better than them. Carly will have love for them but it won’t be what those two psychos are hoping for. Carly is from another world, she’s way way above them and she knows it.

  4. Another reason to now dislike Cate & Tyler because I actually agree with Farrah! I never thought that I would say that, but she is 100% correct in what she said.

  5. I totally get what Farrah is trying to say but she also outlines the problem in her own rant: Cate and Tyler were children who listened to the adults tell them how wonderful an open adoption would be.

    They listened to Brandon and Teresa ply them with emotionally manipulative praise. Praise which was severely lacking in their home lives, the only parent that was even halfway decent was Tyler’s mom.

    I remember hearing the way they talked to Cate and Tyler thinking “Wow that’s some creepy stuff, why are they allowed to talk to minors in such a bad position that way?” because I was an adult and had experience in the world. It felt off. Like buttering someone up.

    That’s their whole issue. They listened to the adults (adoption agency and adoptive parents) who told them what they wanted to hear to gain access to a baby. Now they regret it. Which does suck and that’s largely what they’re speaking out about.

    Even though they’re going overboard with it, that’s the root issue. So I agree with a lot of what Farrah said, but I also agree with a lot of what Cate and Tyler are saying.

    It’s a catch-22. We don’t allow minors to sign any other major contracts or buy tobacco/alcohol or vote etc, but adoptions are fine. It’s fine to butter up children in a bad situation (usually abused or neglected who act out and find themselves pregnant). But we also can’t and shouldn’t force them to be parents. A difficult situation all around.

    1. The reality is that Tyler and Cate pursued adoption. They would have never met Brandon and Theresa if they hadn’t. And, the other fact (and yes, fact) is that Brandon and Theresa gave Cate and Tyler far more access to Carly than they originally agreed to. So what was the manipulation? Did they tell Cate and Tyler that they could stomp on all the boundaries and keep Carly in the public for her entire life? I don’t remember that. The ONLY reason Cate and Tyler lost that access is because their behavior as adults. Most people would have cut Cate and Tyler off long before Brandon and Theresa did.

      It’s not the adoption that is the problem here (although I do agree that there are absolutely issues with the adoption industry). It’s that Cate and Tyler have chosen to center their livelihood on the adoption storyline, which has forced them to constantly dwell on it and reimagine themselves as the victims.

      1. It’s really sad that you don’t see telling underprivileged and neglected/abused teens that you’ll always love them and they’ll always be part of your family and then dumping them as manipulative. I mean we can all see things how we see things, but that’s the definition of manipulation.

        If they didn’t mean it they shouldn’t have said it. They shouldn’t have been allowed to say it to them in the first place. I said what I said… and I meant it. Unlike Brandon and Teresa. 🤷‍♀️

        1. They didn’t “dump teens.” They cut contact with two people in their thirties that consistently ignored their reasonable boundaries for years to the point that it was probably making Carly uncomfortable. Can you imagine being a fifteen-year-old girl trying to figure life out and your birth parents are acting like Catelynn and Tyler on national television, to millions of followerers online, and to tabloids?

        2. And for years, Brandon and Theresa were incredibly kind to Cate and Tyler. They forgave a lot of boundary-stomping. But, Cate and Tyler are not their children. Carly is. Their priority is Carly and her well-being. If Cate and Tyler cannot be even remotely respectful, then obviously Brandon and Theresa are going to pull back. Their love was never going to be unconditional, because why would it be?

      2. “center their livelihood on the adoption storyline”

        Bingo. You hit the nail right on the head.

    2. And that’s a consequence of making adult decisions, like having unprotected sex as a teen.
      A real and actual consequence of 2 teens having unprotected sex is that they may have to give up their child bc they are unequipped to raise it.

      They can’t have it both ways. They can’t play adult then when it doesn’t pan, they cry about being children.

  6. Never in my life did I think anything Farrah would say would be wise but I have to say this is probably one of the smartest things she’s said and I 100% agree

  7. I’m just here to ask The Ashley if she can always use that picture of Cate and Tyler as the main photo. Please and thank you😂

  8. Oh God, I agree with Farrah. This timeline has to be broken. Stop the world, I’d like to get off now.

  9. you know you’re in the wrong and need to reevaluate your life if everyone agrees with farrah over y’all 💀

  10. Lord have mercy you gotta KNOW you fucked up when Farrah tells you to get your shit together!!!

  11. You’d think that it would be a wake-up call for Tyler and Catelynn when even Farrah can recognize how toxic they’re being and form a coherent thought about it, but it won’t be. They’ll just keep deflecting instead of taking any form of accountability and actually working through their issues about the adoption.

  12. Hell has officially frozen over I actually agree with Farrah’s opinion (which will probably be the first and last time) on Cate & Ty.

    But Farrah 100% did not write this. Maybe Apple Intelligence helped her out. Who knows?

    As far as Cate & Ty go I have said it before and I will say it again. The relentless pursuit to try and win Carly‘s love by tearing down Carly‘s parents is going to inevitably cause the relationship with their own three daughters to deteriorate. It has already effectively pushed Carly away. Maybe they should think about that.

  13. Oh my God I never thought I would partially agree with Ferrah when it comes to anything but I partially agree with her on this

  14. Wheb Farrah is the voice of reason, you know 💩 isn’t going right.
    Everything she said is true.
    The not-Carly’s know they aren’t Carly.

  15. Wow, I can’t believe I agree with farrah on a parenting issue but she just said what everyone’s thinking.

  16. Good Lord… can we instead focus on how hideous Farrah has made herself look? If I were her and I looked like that, I would never go out into public. How is she ok with looking like literal plastic? I just literally can’t. Her looks right now are just 🤮. Please, someone take away Farrah’s credit cards and checkbook because the plastic surgery needs to stop. She instead needs a lot of help mentally.

    1. She has body dysmorphic disorder. My mom has it. She thought she was “fat” at 82 lbs. I know she looks really bad. But it technically isn’t her “fault.”
      Although her attitude is.

  17. Farrah does make some good observations sometimes. Not a lot, but, ya know. She may be mentally off and stuff like that. But, I do believe she has grown and has the best intentions with Sophia. Also, she didn’t have another child. I’m only saying she really cares for Sophia. Not anyone else. People see piercings and dyed hair and freak out. I have a child with a few piercings and dyed hair. She is a good, kind person. It doesn’t bother me.

  18. Ok Farrah. You win this one.

    You’re still a traumatic dog pile, but at least you don’t blame your child for your current misery like Amber and C&T do.

  19. 😭 I mostly agree with Farrah. What has become of me? I do often feel bad for the non-Carleys. Maybe behind the scenes they are pouring themselves into their other kids, but it really seems like they are consumed with only Carley. More kids will not heal the hole from not having Carley. Get some therapy, real therapy, and focus on the kids you have.

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