Camel Bites, Criminal Hearings & Crazy Secrets: Watch the Insane Trailer For “1000 Lb. Sisters” Season 7

“We are the reality TV gift that just keeps on giving!”

The Slaton Sisters are back…and this season on 1000-lb. Sisters they’re seriously delivering in terms of crazy content.

TLC has released the first trailer for the show’s seventh season and it is WILD…literally.

The trailer kicks things off with a nice, family fun day at a Tennessee animal safari park. Amy Slaton and her kids and new boo Brian Lovvorn are shown feeding camels from inside their car when things take a dark turn— and a camel takes a big bite out of Amy’s arm. Amy begins screaming and howling that she is afraid she will lose her hand.

I will not laugh at the camel bite…I will not laugh at the camel bite…
(but could someone please make The Ashley a T-shirt with this photo on it…?)

Brian has the good sense to apply pressure to Amy’s camel bite, and later, we see her siblings– TammyChris and Amanda— talking about the incident, and even making jokes that Joe Camel just assisted Amy in getting a much-wanted skin removal. 

“It removed some skin, for real!” Amanda jokes.

As The Ashley previously reported, though, the day ended up bringing much bigger problems for Amy than just having a camel chomp her hand. When cops came to access the damage that Amy received from the desert mammal’s mauling, they noticed a “suspicious odor” coming from the car that Amy, Brian and Amy’s two sons were sitting in. 

“Suspicious odors? I tried to tell them officers that this is just my regular stench, but they don’t listen.”

The cops reported that both psychedelic mushrooms and marijuana were found in Amy’s car “in plain sight.” From there, Amy— still nursing her camel bite, mind you— and Brian were arrested for illegal possession of Schedule I and Schedule VI narcotics. Because kids were in the car when the drugs were allegedly found, both Amy and Brian were also charged with two counts of child endangerment. 

The trailer takes us back a bit, to when Amy and Brian began dating. We see the future jailbirds canoodling while on a date at a pool hall.

“I’ll tell you what… I wouldn’t want to have no other man by my side while I was bit by a camel. And that’s the truth.”

Amy tells the cameras that she and her new boo are “moving so fast” in their relationship, but “it just makes sense.”

Things are so good between Amy and her new man that they are considering having a baby together, despite having just met.


Amy— who shares sons Glenn and Gage with her ex-husband, Michael Halterman— is even considering having her tubes untied so she can get knocked up by her new boytoy.

Again…AS YOU DO…

“I reckon us havin’ a youngin will make everything better!”

Amy tells her sister that it’s Brian who wants her to get her tubes untied— something that does not go over well with Amanda.

“She should go have a cold f**king shower and he should too!” Amanda tells the cameras.

“A shower?!?! Now that seems a bit extreme. I ain’t takin’ no shower, ya hear? I smell fine. My nether parts are tinglin’, that’s all!”

The trailer then takes us back to the camel bite/drug bust at the safari park. (The Ashley can’t believe she just typed that sentence.) 

“After the whole camel bitin’ incident, the cops came in and started readin’ my rights,” Amy tells us, as her absolutely fantastical mugshot flashes across the screen. “They should be handcuffin’ the damn camel!” 

“Hey, I’m not the one dumb enough to bring psychedelic mushrooms to a safari park.” [Spit]
Amy does not mention that she was arrested for drug possession and child endangerment for her HIGH-jinks at the safari park. 

Later, the siblings sit Amy down at a park to discuss what appears to be her drug use, something Amy is not interested in talking about.

“This is not supposed to be an intervention!” Amy yells.

When the siblings deny it’s an intervention, Amy replies that, “it’s soundin’ just like an intervention to me.” 

Amy’s brother Chris later tells Amy– who is shown going to court for her charges— that she’s “looking at 30 years” behind bars for her crimes. 

“I’m scared s**t-less!” Amy says. “I just hope I don’t ruin my whole life.” 

“I’m fixin’ to tell the judge that I was framed! Them camels had it out for me!”

(As The Ashley reported, Amy ended up pleading guilty in December to two counts of simple possession. As part of her plea deal, Amy received a suspended jail sentence of 11 months and 29 days. She received nearly one-year of supervised probation and is required to complete an alcohol and drug assessment as well as parenting classes. She also had to pay a $500 fine and has been banned for life from the safari park.) 

“Well, we all knew the day would come that someone in this family would be banned for life from a safari park. It may as well be me, I reckon.”

Meanwhile, Tammy has some things going on in her life as well. (Of course, nothing could possibly compete with Amy’s camel bitin’, drug possessin’, possible baby-makin’ storyline.) 

Tammy is yearning to have her skin-removal surgery and goes to see a doctor to see if she’s a candidate. We see her enjoying life after her significant weight loss, but she tells us that she’s very self-conscious about all her loose skin.

Tammy— who has been living in a house owned by Chris and his wife Brittany— also tells the cameras that she’s been keeping some of her activities a secret from her family.

“There’s something I haven’t told my family ’cause my family gonna have somethin’ to say about it!” she declares.

Brittany and Chris say that they “hardly ever see” Tammy, despite her living so close to them. We don’t, however, get to know where Tammy is heading when she sneaks past Chris’ home and hustles into a waiting minivan. 

“Amy best be keepin’ her trap shut, though. At least I didn’t get arrested because of no camel!”

The new season of “1000-Lb. Sisters” premieres Tuesday, April 15 on TLC. 

Watch the season trailer below! 

RELATED STORY: “1000-Lb. Sisters” Star Amy Slaton Pleads Guilty to Simple Possession & Avoids Jail Time Following September Zoo Arrest

8 Responses

  1. Even if her ex husband is a total loser I hate to see people with kids move on so fast and start a whole new world for their kids idk it’s weird

  2. Honestly at this point I’m impressed when trash reality tv can surprise me.

    Drugs? Yawn.

    Drugs with kids in the car? Bad, start getting uncomfortable about the point at which the viewer is condoning/encouraging the behavior.

    Psychedelic mushrooms? I almost missed the ‘marijuana’ bit it as it almost doesn’t register after seeing multiple ‘Teen Mom’ cast members nod off on heroin, but Amy is taking the initiative to do drugs like it’s 1969 over here. They live in Kentucky, people. That’s West coast hippie stuff. Girlfriend doesn’t live in Oregon.

    DISCOVERED BECAUSE SHE WAS BITTEN BY A CAMEL WHILE IN HER OWN CAR?! Brand-new sentence, people. Nothing is going to top this.

  3. It seems like Amy is concerned about herself and her new man. She is showing no thought or concern about the fact that she had drugs in her car with her children present. Which probably means both Amy and her new man were high with the children. She needs to get her head on straight and put her kids first. She likes to act like her kids are her #1 priority but I’ve never seen it.

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