Farrah Abraham Accuses Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra of Neglecting & Abusing Their Three Kids; Urges Fans to Call CPS on the ‘Teen Mom’ Couple

“Do the right thing, fans…PER LAW!”

Farrah Abraham has had a lot to say lately about her former Teen Mom co-stars Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra, but on Wednesday, their (basically) one-sided online battle crossed the line when Farrah urged fans to report Catelynn and Tyler to child protective services (CPS).

In a new interview with OK! magazine, The Big F claimed her former co-stars are showing their three daughters a “lack of care” and providing them a “horrible” home to grow up in, seemingly due to Catelynn and Tyler’s “obsession” with their birth daughter Carly, who does not live with them.

“I think fans should call CPS on them,” Farrah told the magazine. “I know lots of the fans have been saying they thought about it, but the more we see the abusive nature and Catelynn conspiring this abuse with Tyler, CPS needs to be involved.” 

“As The Number One Parent In Our Nation– I order you to make those calls, fans!” 

As fans of Teen Mom know, Catelynn and Tyler are parents to daughters Nova, Vaeda and Rya. Back in 2009, the two placed their birth daughter Carly for adoption. Cate and Tyler’s criticism of their own adoption situation– as well as adoption in general– has increased since Carly’s parents cut off contact with them in the spring of 2024. As a result, the two have faced a lot of criticism for their seemingly unceasing  slamming of adoption, as well as their frequent posts about Carly and her parents.

Over the weekend, Farrah inserted herself into the situation by taking to social media to encourage the couple to “seek help from a psychiatrist … focus on loving the children they have … and stop projecting their trauma onto their children.” 

In response to Farrah’s unsolicited advice, the couple took to social media, with Cate writing that she hadn’t mentioned Farrah in years, and and that she found humor in the fact that she and Tyler “live rent free” in Farrah’s head. Meanwhile, Tyler insisted it was a “compliment” to his character that he and Farrah have opposing views. 

“ … If we ever did share the same opinion, I’d be worried about myself tbh,” he added. 

Cate and Ty’s responses apparently triggered Farrah, as the fired ‘Teen Mom’ star went on to post another lengthy rant about the pair Tuesday on her Instagram Story, in which she accused Tyler of being a “horrible dad,” called him out for his “severe” financial struggles and accused him of being a girl dad who “harbors resentment towards women.” 

(The post did not feature Farrah’s signature style of word salad phrasing– aka “Farrah Speak”— causing some fans to suspect that the Backdoor Teen Mom may be using ChatGPT or AI to help her put her thoughts into something that is semi-readable.) 

“When you’re a horrible dad, immature, and let your ego get in the way of living a great life, Tyler, stop embracing negative stimulus and take accountability,” ChatGPT Farrah wrote on Instagram Stories. “Your financial struggles are severe; learn to break the cycles and adhere to the 12 step principles. 

“When you’re a girl dad but harbor resentment toward women, it’s a form of woman suffering and abuse,” she added. 

“ … No wonder their daughter and Teresa blocked them,” Farrah wrote, before going on to accuse Cate and Ty of having a “brother-sister trauma bond.”

(As longtime fans of ‘Teen Mom’ may remember, Catelynn’s mom, April Baltierra, was briefly married to Tyler’s dad, Butch Baltierra, years ago, making Catelynn and Tyler step-siblings for a short period of time. However, they were together before their parents ever met, and are in no way biologically related.)

April and Butch: a love story we couldn’t forget, even if we tried and believe us, we have to remember…

“ … I wish the brother-sister trauma bond would break for a moment, allowing them to reparent themselves and stop putting their children at home through their disgusting, disturbing and abusive behavior towards women, which is widely known and seen,” Farrah wrote. 

Farrah also said she prayed Cate and Tyler’s kids wouldn’t grow up to be “hateful and egotistical like their incestuous parents.” 

Farrah, after managing to spell “incestuous” correctly…

Farrah insisted that getting CPS involved would be for the “well-being and mental health” of Catelynn and Tyler’s three daughters, adding that the two being cut off from their birth daughter makes it “very obvious” that there is abuse and a “lack of care” happening within Catelynn and Tyler’s home. 

Farrah then advised Tyler and Catelynn to get in-patient help.

“You can’t throw MTV money at a problem; they need to realize they’re at a low point and go to a trauma center to stop transferring their trauma,” she told the magazine.

Catelynn and Tyler have yet to fire back at Farrah’s latest rant. The Ashley has reached out for comment. Stay tuned…

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(Photos: Instagram; MTV) 

48 Responses

  1. Honestly, Tyler and Cate are just pathetic. Neither of them work and never have. It’s sad that they have zero ambitions and just hang around the house complaining about Carly’s adoptive parents. They went ballistic and had a tantrum when Teresa and Brandon decided to take a break from getting together with them. This made them even more aggressive in their pursuit of seeing Carly. Sending gifts, cards and pushing themselves on the Carly and her parents. I’m sure T&B never thought an open adoption would become such a nightmare situation. The constant barrage of social media posts from Cate and Tyler bashing T&B has to be terribly embarrassing for them…they seem like quiet and private people that just want to raise their kids in peace. At this point I think that Cate and Tyler are acting like bullies and probably Teresa and Brandon should get a cease and desist order. At the very least they are being harassed by Cate and Tyler. The entitlement and hubris of these two is unbelievable. Tyler said “they took my child” and Cate said “they owe me an apology”…both of these comments are absurd. At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if Carly never wants to see or talk to her bio parents again. I guess they have nothing better to do all day but dwell on this stuff and then go on social media and bitch and moan.

    1. They sought the adoption agency out not the other way around. Maybe if their parents had been a little more stable this would not have happened. Now there is a picture of Carly and Teresa on facebook someone posted. TBH Teresa looks just stressed from all this. She doesn’t look well. At least that is what I see. C&T and MTV should be ashamed what they are puttng this woman through.

  2. Who the heck is Farrah saying anything about parenting when she is about the worst mother ever

  3. I don’t know which set of lips that Farrah flaps around more , her oversized puffer fish lips or her extra flappy roast beefy labia . (Yes , Farrah , we’ve seen the “sex tape” 🤢🤮🤢) Either way, she needs to zip her lips .

  4. Really? It’s Farrah. She’s a spiteful, hateful and evil woman. She is also not the sharpest crayon in the box. It’s a shame that she has wormed her way back. Take care of your own daughter Farrah. I’m really sick of seeing you on social media. And by the way you didn’t do yourself any favors with all the plastic surgery. You used to be a very pretty girl.

  5. To all those opposing abortion… here’s the reality of adoption, it’s not better… get the abortion.

  6. So the tables have turned. Sweet. Sadly it wont last because it’s just Farrah. But after all this time and all the hatred C&T have spread on poor B&T, I’m here for someone finally giving them a little taste of their own medicine. How’s that taste Tyler and Cate?

  7. I don’t care what people.think they know or how much you dislike someone, you don’t go around encouraging people to.call cps on strangers unless you have actual proof of abuse. It’s not ok and can cause real life consequences that can seriously harm families.

    1. To be fair. These are the same people who sent the calvary after a good couple of parents, all because they regret a choice they chose over a decade ago. If you want to be really fair, B&T were far less deserving of C&T running their smear campaign, and spreading their hatred like an infectious disease, to all their “fans” knowing darn well what sort of damage and danger it would cause the child they “love so much” .. so to be fair, it’s not even close to karma, even if anyone actually listened to Farrah, which they won’t. She has no pull.

      1. Sadly anyone who actually takes Farrah seriously is probably as unhinged as she is, so this could lead to a completely unnecessary influx of calls. While someone may not like their choice in how they deal with Carly, C&T seem to have a clean, stable home with food. That’s exponentially more than most kids who need CPS to be involved in their lives. All calling CPS does is take resources and time from people who need it and clogging up the system. Calling about very hypothetical feelings of children that no one actually knows is pointless. If C&T are emotionally damaging their kids by talking about their older sister, I’m sure a therapy horse will talk to them about it.

    2. Also, if there is no abuse then it would cause literally no real life consequences at all, even if people did call. The only way it would have any effect was if there was actually abuse or neglect.

    3. CPS is notorious for being underfunded and understaffed. It is an A hole move to encourage people to waste resources just because she doesn’t like them. For the record C&T are allowed to talk about Carly. They are allowed to be upset that B&T went back on their word and closed the adoption. C&T agreed to allow them to adopt Carly with the knowledge that they would still have contact. C&T have a right to their feelings about it. People acting like they don’t have a right to express that they are upset about not seeing Carly is insane. Would you love a child that you created less if you had to choose adoption? Of course not. B&T are the ones who made an agreement with teenagers and then went back on their word without an explanation. We’re talking about a child here, not a puppy.

      1. B&T “went back on their word” for good damn reasons. And also, the adoption could be closed at any time, at B&T’s discretion. Can’t really “go back on your word” when it’s written in black and white that they’re allowed to do it anytime. Just because C&T have the total combined IQ of a tadpole, and didn’t understand that, doesn’t mean it isn’t well within B&T’s rights. I would have cut off C&T years ago, kudos to Brandon and Teresa for trying longer than most reasonable people would have.

        Because you’re right, we are talking about a child here, not a puppy. C&T don’t seem to understand that. They are obsessed with Carly, while they know nothing about her. She’s an object to them, a thing to own, not a person.

  8. I’m not a fan of Farrah but I actually think cate and tyler are 💩 parents. I think they obsess over Carly, “the one who got away” as hard as they do because she is idealized. She isn’t an actual child in front of them that they KNOW they are failing.

    1. On how cute, someone who understands NOTHING about adoption and the trauma it unfolds on the child AND parents. Even in the best of circumstances and intentions. Not everyone chooses adoption because of a negative reason. And unless you’ve been through it and understand all of the emotional anguish it brings then mind your business.

  9. I think this is a good example of why Chelsea H. left the show when she did. It’s good easy money to continue with this show but she knew she had to distance herself and her family from people like T&C, and Farrah if she was ever going to be successful in any other business venture.

  10. Farrah had chatgpt write this during one of her ketamine binges. I know she’s hitting some truths in this post, but this is a mother who had her child be a camera person for some insanely questionable acts and only fans content. Not to mention alleged rumblings of leaving her child in hotel rooms while she makes her living elsewhere.

    People in glass houses…

  11. I’m with Garrah when it comes to them getting help for getting over, giving their kid up for adoption, it’s been sixteen years.. Move on.You don’t know the kid and the kid doesn’t know you as anything else, but strangers

  12. I feel like C&T would be more successful, less whiny, and happier people had MTV not ruined them. All those promises about getting college degrees? What happened there?

    1. Same can be said about Amber, Leah Messer, Maci.. Jenelle.. Farrah..

      None are any better having been on TV as a teen. It actually stunted their growth as adults. None became anything that they had time, money and opportunity to become.

      1. 💯The only one who seemed to come out on top was Chelsea but that has a lot to do with having sane, stable parents who were financially well-off in the first place. Most of the other girls didn’t have that foundation. Farrah’s family seemed financially comfortable but heavy on the crazy.

        Chelsea would’ve likely landed on her feet without TM, she just managed to spin it into gold. (Note I am not even a Chelsea fangirl).

    2. I agree. It remind me of the “lottery curse” where people get more money (and in this case “fame” as well) than they know how to handle and it just enables them to make bad decisions.

    3. They didn’t have the intellectual ability to get a college degree due to their home life. But now I think it’s just their victim mentality that keeps them locked in their prisoned mind.

      1. Iirc, they were both in alternative school and not doing well there as well.
        Not sure why we thought they’d become successful college graduates with careers, but we did!

        1. It was easy to root for them back in the day – they seemed like sweet kids from tough backgrounds. Now it’s a major case of arrested development and they’re dragging their three kids along (but still better parents than Farrah). If not for TM, Tyler was considering the Air Force which probably would have been good for him. Can’t see Cate having gone anywhere without TM.

  13. Well Farrah is on a roll because she’s right again 😂 Cate and Tyler need LOTS of therapy, and also their girls to deal with their parents’ obsession with Carly

  14. I can agree with some of what Farrah said but the CPS thing is too much. Yeah, they’re messing the Not-Carlys up and those girls will definitely have a lot of issues because of C+T’s shitty parenting, but CPS has bigger fish to fry and this will just be wasting their time because there’s nothing they’re *legally* doing wrong in regards to raising their kids.

    1. Unfortunately, alot of people call CPS on people when they don’t like someone for whatever reason. I knew people that worked there and they were burnt out to say the least.

      1. I know. I think people that call CPS out of pettiness or vengefulness are some of the trashiest scum around.

  15. After we contact CPS on them,we can all contact them on you for all the trauma you have subjected Sophia to. That child has seen WAY too many adult situations. That Poor kid is gonna be just like her mother.
    We get it Farrah. C @ T suck as parents, we all see that. And you suck just as much. No, on second thought I bet you suck more! Lol

  16. “That we live rent free in her head” is not the clever response you think it is, Cate. That response just shows more of your immaturity and continual need to blame others for your problems instead of accepting responsibility for the decisions you made in your life. Your openness with you kids is great, to a point, but when you involve them in conversations that are too mature for them, you’re doing more harm than good. You’re discussing and projecting your traumas on to them but it’s clear you think this makes you a good parent. It doesn’t. Let them be kids. You messed Nova up by making her believe that Carly was more to her than what she really is. Biologically they are sisters but that is where it ends. Pathetically saying this no visitation “hurts the kids” is 100% your doing. Not B&T. It is not their job to worry about the happiness if your kids. You decided it was a good idea to put this on them and fill their heads with a false reality. When it doesn’t work out in the end, like it has, just remember YOU are the one that caused this hurt in your children. Not B&T. Someone needs to feed you a dose of reality instead of feeding in to your delusions.

  17. I think it’s hilarious. Why in the world does anyone feel C&T deserve any less than what Farrah is currently dishing out? Did everyone immediately forget they’ve been harassing Brandon, Theresa, and Carly now for MONTHS, relentlessly, with no regard for those people?

    This is their karma. How’s it feel to have somebody dragging your ass through the mud now, C&T? Can you not make any kind of connection with the bullshit of ‘living rent free’ in Farrah’s head vs B&T living rent free in YOUR heads? Fuck off, clowns.

  18. There are LOTS of things I don’t agree with regarding C&T’s parenting style, but I’ve never seen any proof of anything that’s CPS-worthy. Nobody from social should be calling in and making random accusations. Farrah’s had her fun and needs to DROP IT now.

    1. I don’t think Cate & Tyler are physically abusing their kids but the mental abuse it CLEARLY there. Those girls need therapy now!

  19. Wow, it finally happened. All of the toxins Farrah has injected into her face and body have made their way to her brain.

  20. Obviously she is picking on C&T to stay relevant since her “comedy” career is a flop. She got a win with criticisms of C&T that made sense, but now she’s going too far. For one brief moment she seemed sane, but that didn’t last.

    If given the (really crappy) choice, I’d rather be a Non-Carly raised by C&T than Sophia raised by Farrah.

    1. Right? I mean Cate & Ty aren’t the best parents, but I don’t think they are abusive to their kids. They do need to stop talking about Carly so much with their girls because that probably is going to cause issues with them later in life, but look at all that Sofia has seen with Farrah as her mom. That can’t be good for a kid either.

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