Who Should ‘Bachelor’ Brad Choose as His Wife? Take the Poll!

Help Brad choose, God knows he needs all the help he can get.

Bachelor Brad is down to his final 3! Emily, Chantel and Ashley are ready to battle it out in the Fantasy Suite for the chance to become Mrs. Brad Womack. (Who the hell knows why.)
Tell The Ashley who YOU think he ought to choose….her choice should be obvious.

5 Responses

  1. No I didn’t see his post! I’m so excited!! For the life of me, I couldn’t understand how he could pick anyone over Emily. So now we’ll have to wait to see. I have to admit though I’m kind of sad too…she really is too good for him. Although I don’t know that it matters because they’ll probably end up like 98% of the other “couples”.

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  3. Okay, I have to admit I’m a glutton for spoilers and Reality Steve already let the feline out of the bag. I would vote for Emily if I didn’t think she deserved better! Seriously that girl is too sweet for this show.

    1. @Erin– Did you see his post today…you may be surprised, he changed his spoiler at the last minute!!! I’m happy because now we won’t know what the hell is actually going to happen at the finale!! It could go either way at this point- yay! But yah, totally agree about Emily being too good for Womack

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